Sofia Sanabria and Jonathan Burns
The Catholic Church Prior To The Reformation-Sofia The Pope was selling indulgences so he could earn money to rebuild/fix his church, by telling people they will get a spot in Heaven so they buy them and he gets the money.
Martin Luther and The Other Reformers-Sofia Martin Luther tries to stop the sale of Indulgences, but while he tries to do that he gets Excommunicated in the process.
catholic chruch- Cole Duggin Martin Luther thought that the selling of indulgences was not right so he started his own church that belived that a person can get saved by just in faith not by the selling of indulgences.
King Henry VIII-Cameron Hendrix King Henry wanted to get his marriage revoked to his wife Catherine to marry Ann. However the catholic church did not believe in people getting a divorce, and they did not want her or her parents who where King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to be mad and do something.So King Henry started his own church,the church of England or the Anglican Church. King Henry was then married six times because he wanted a male child to carry on his name and for political reasons. He was married six times and had two girls and one boy.
Catholic Church pior to the Reformation The pope wanted to sell indulgences to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica but the priests don't know nothing about being a priests so they need to learn about it and the Catholic Church more powerful
95 Theses Martin Luther discovered that the church was not doing all for the greater good of the church but for power and money. So he created the ninety-five theses and inform the people about this heresy.
KING HENRY VIII by: Rosemarie Poplin •King Henry VII created the Church of England because the pope wouldn't annul his marriage. He wanted to marry Anne, but the pope wouldn't allow it, this caused Henry to created his own church to get his way.
Martin Luther and other reformers Martin Luther wrote the ninety-five Theses ninety-five arguments about what he saw wrong. The Pope disagreed so he excommunicated Luther. Luther's reaction to the excommunication was that he started his own church. William Tyndale in known as the first person to take advantage of Gutenberg's movable type press for the purpose of printing the sculptures in English language. He was burned at stake in 1536. John Calvin is known for his sharp mind, Calvin studied law, humanism , and religion in Paris. He eventually fled from Paris because it became to dangerous to talk about Protestanism.
Martin Luther and other reformers-Kevin Call Martin Luther, a monk who didn't like how the church was selling indulgences, or pardons for sins, to get money posted the 95 theses on a church door. The 95 theses were 95 statements about how indulgences were bad. When Luther did this however, the Pope excommunicated him, or didn't allow him to practice in the church Luther then broke off and started the first protestant church the Lutheran church his ideas were spread faster to other reformers quicker through the printing press.
Catholic Church prior to the Reformation The pope told the priest to sell indulgences to help rebuild the St. Peters Church
Catholic church prior to reformations The pope is selling indulgences while the priest have uneducated conversations about money.
King Henry the eighth King henry is divorcing his wife to find a male heir which he does and while breaking from the church to create another known as the anglican church against the popes wishes
Counter Reformation Here is the council of trent where they discussed about protestanism and other major problems. In the background on the table there are some of the prohibited books that they did not want people to read. It is also showing the Jessuits and Ignatius of loyola.
The selling of indulgences The people of the church were selling indulgences to get money for the church. Though the selling of indulgences was frowned upon the Catholic Church did it anyways.
Popes The popes were selling indulgences. They also didn't want other people to interperate the Bible in their own way, so they banned protestant books.
Roman Catholic Church prior to the Reformation The Roman Catholic Church was very abusive towards their followers. To make money the church started selling pardons for sin. This was known as Indulgences. The Pope's main purpose was to make money, they had stopped caring about their true purpose. The priests would be choose due to their status. Priests were so poorly educated, they didn't seem to even care. They needed a reformation.
counter reformation they had a long list of books written by many different people of many different titles that were forbidden.They also had books of other heretics, which deal professedly with religion are absolutely condemned. Books ,Bibles in specific,that were written in vernacular were forbidden. the church did not want people to have their own religious veiws.
martin luther and the other reforms martin Luther and the other reforms worked hard preaching their ways and complaints to show people the wrongs of the catholic church.
The Catholic Church prior to the Reformation The pope is selling indulgences just for money,clergy members aren't doing their jobs, and priest don' know how to read the bible and ignore practices.
Catholic Church prior to the Reformation Pope is telling the priest to sell indulgences to the people of the church. people lining up in lines to buy the indulgences
Henry VIII King Henry VIII wanted a male heir to continue his blood and rule the castle, but he was worried that his first wife was getting too old to have anymore children. Because he could not get a male heir, he divorced Catherine, his first wife. After he divorced Catherine he was excommunicated by the pope and he decided to make his own church. After the first wife was divorced, he had six wives in all after that and succeeded with only one male heir.