7 Cs of digital career literacy Presentation to Careers Collaborative, Wotton Bassett, 19th January 2017 7 Cs of digital career literacy Tristram Hooley, Professor of Career Education, University of Derby
Digitise my career
Where were you? In 1989? When you first used the internet? When you first posted something to the internet?
To summarise, the internet is… a career resource library through which individuals can find information that informs and relates to their informational needs an opportunity marketplace where individuals can transact with opportunity providers (employers and learning providers) a space for the exchange of social capital within which conversations can be undertaken, contacts identified and networks maintained a democratic media channel through which individuals and groups can communicate
This changes… how we give and receive career support the environment within which individuals pursue their career the skills that individuals need to advance their careers (digital career literacy)
Framework for online careers provision Provision of information Providing access to automated interactions Offering communication One-to-one One-to-many/many-to-one Many-to-many
7 Cs of digital career literacy Changing Collecting Critiquing Connecting. Communicating Creating Curating
Approaches to collecting Search Alerts Networks
Lies, damn lies and statistics
CRAAP Currency Relevance Authority Accuracy Purpose
Key principles for online networking Reciprocity Equity Authenticity Strategy Tenacity Evaluation
Getting it wrong It iz v important 2 undRstNd d differences Btwen communicating n dfrnt channels. Employers ofn bemoan d uz of textspeak n CVs & applications.
Key principles Think about the emotional reaction you want to produce Know your audience and their passions Nurture engagement
Your personal brand
10 steps to building your brand Decide what you have to offer Think about what you want Decide who you want to talk to Do something Be consistent and reasonably focused Be careful in your use of different platforms Don’t trash your brand Develop your style and stick to it Keep on keeping on Review how it is going
Google yourself
Things to avoid Examples of unprofessional behaviour Criticising your employer Information about undisclosed criminal activity Excessive drunkenness Bad writing
Dealing with problems Don‘t put it there Delete it or make it private Ask other people to manage the information that they hold about you Swamp it out Explain it
7 Cs of digital career literacy Changing Collecting Critiquing Connecting. Communicating Creating Curating
References Hooley, T. (2012). How the internet changed career: framing the relationship between career development and online technologies. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC). 29: 3-12. Hooley, T., Bright, J. and Winter, D. (2016). You’re Hired! Job Hunting Online: The Complete Guide. Bath: Trotman. Hooley, T., Shepherd, C. and Dodd, V. (2015). Get Yourself Connected: Conceptualising the Role of Digital Technologies in Norwegian Career Guidance. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby. Longridge, D., Hooley, T. & Staunton, T. (2013). Building Online Employability: A Guide for Academic Departments. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.
Tristram Hooley Professor of Career Education International Centre for Guidance Studies University of Derby http://www.derby.ac.uk/icegs t.hooley@derby.ac.uk @pigironjoe Blog at http://adventuresincareerdevelopment.wordpress.com