Starter Write a list of all the business functions you can think of e.g. finance TARGET – 5 functions Esther Mitchell Fatima Maj Pawan Dorcas Rozario Christabel Donatas Keith Brandon Riyad Seating plan 5 mins Teachers Desk Board
Learning objectives To explain what different functions do PASS To explain what different functions do Merit To describe how businesses can be organised internally (e.g. Function, area or product) Distinction To link the concepts of stakeholders, functional areas, and organisational charts Slide 2–4: 2 mins
Slide 2–4: 2 mins
Slide 2–4: 2 mins
Slide 2–4: 2 mins
Task Match the definition to the correct function 5 minutes 8 minutes including debrief
Functional Areas
Functional Areas In pairs, choose a function to research Finance Marketing Production Customer service Sales Human Resources Administration You have 8 minutes to include: A definition – What it is (one sentence) and what are the key roles (state 2 or 3) Why it is important for the business? (1 key point) How can this function, being effective, improve the business? (1 key point) Extension: Are there any links you can see with other functional areas? (state other functional areas) Is this function in Oxfam or JD Sports? 15 minutes including presentation Prepare a one slide PowerPoint on your functional area.
Stakeholders and Functional Areas
Think Pair Share What impact do stakeholders have on: Finance On your own Talk to your neighbour Tell the class What impact do stakeholders have on: Finance Marketing Production Customer service Sales Human Resources 10 mins Friday, 21 September 2018
Organisational structures Key words: Span of control Hierarchy Chain of command Extension - Form a sentence that includes all three words. The words must be used in context!
Reminder: Organisational structures A functional structure is when the different departments of the business are organised by the different department specialism’s e.g. marketing, finance, human resources, customer service etc. An area structure is when the business is divided into departments based on the different locations that the business operates in e.g. America, Europe & Asia etc. A product structure is when the business is divided into groups based on the different products or services they produce and sell e.g. Iphone, Ipad, Iwatch, Ipod etc.
Which structure is this? Plenary task: You have 60 seconds to read the slide and then write down the structure on your whiteboard. Which structure is this? Chief Executive Board of Directors Production Marketing Accounts Personnel IT Specialisation - each department focuses on its own work It’s clear who is responsible for what Everyone know their role Advantages Departments may have their own agenda Co-ordination may be complex Decisions take longer Disadvantages
Which structure is this? You have 60 seconds to read the slide and then write down the structure on your whiteboard. Which structure is this? Coca Cola Americas Houston, Texas Europe Paris, London, Berlin Asia Pacific Hong Kong Disadvantages Can adapt to local customers Encourages competition between functions Advantages Possible conflict between local and central managers 2) Duplication of some services
Which structure is this? You have 60 seconds to read the slide and then write down the structure on your whiteboard. Which structure is this? Hewlett Packard Imaging and Printing Group Personal Systems Group Enterprise Systems Group HP Services HP Financial Services Duplication of some services May be too concerned with internal competition Disadvantages A focus on products Encourages competition between functions Divisions can be separate profit centre Advantages
Final task Make sure you have an Assignment 2 brief Write in your planner: Draft due – Fri 11th December Final due date – Fri 18th December