Aim: How do we calculate density? Do Now: Convert the following metric units 564 L = ____ mL 600 Hg = ____ dg 1.23 g = ____ cg 1.3 Dm = ____ Km .02 KL = ____ mL 99 dm = ____ Dm Homework: Study for metric quiz
Introduction to Density
What is density? Density is a specific property of matter that is related to the mass divided by the volume
What is the formula for density? D = _Mass_ Volume D = M V D = Density M = Mass V = Volume M D V
Why does a penny sink in water? Pennies are more dense than water, therefore they sink
Why does ice float in water? Ice cubes are less dense than water, therefore they float
How will an egg float in water? Egg in fresh water The egg will sink because it is more dense than the fresh water
How will an egg float in water? Egg in salt water The egg will float because it is less dense than the salt water
How will an egg float in water? Egg in fresh and salt water The egg will be suspended in the middle because it is the same density as the water mixture
Work on the Density Calculations Check your answers with your neighbor
How Do We Calculate Density in 3 Easy Steps? Calculate the mass of your object using the triple-beam balance
How Do We Calculate Density in 3 Easy Steps? Calculate the volume Measure the length, width and height and use the volume formula Use the graduated cylinder for liquids or irregular solids
How Do We Calculate Density in 3 Easy Steps? Use the density formula D = _Mass_ Volume
Place these items in order of density from least to greatest B E C A D B
Summary What is density? Is Ice more or less dense than water? Why? Name an item that is more dense than water. Why does an egg float in salt water? How can we calculate the density of common items?