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SYNOPSIS Kursus ini membincangkan latar belakang dan perkembangan amalan perhubungan awam di Malaysia; hakikat sejadi, falsafah dan proses perhubungan awam; aplikasi teori dan model perhubungan awam; profesionalisme perhubungan awam peranan dan strategi perhubungan awam; penyelidikan dalam pengurusan perhubungan awam; perencanaan perhubungan awam; perhubungan komuniti; perhubungan media dan penulisan perhubungan awam; pengurusan sumber dalam perhubungan awam; dan aplikasi teknologi komunikasi dalam perhubungan awam.
Learning Outcomes Membezakan konsep dan komponen dalam startegi perhubungan awam; (C4) Merungkai isu perhubungan awam yang dihadapi dalam tugasan; (P4) Mengorganisasi strategi perhubungan awam yang berkesan; (A4) Mengenalpasti dan mengurus masalah komunikasi sesuai dengan khalayak program perhubungan awam. (Cs, Li)
KANDUNGAN KURSUS 1. Sejarah, Perkembangan dan Amalan Perhubungan Awam (History, Development and Practice of Public Relations) 2. Hakikat Sejadi, Falsafah dan Proses Perhubungan Awam (Nature, Philosophy, and Process of Public Relations) 3. Aplikasi Teori dan Model Perhubungan Awam (Application of Public Relations Theories and Models) 4. Profesionalisme Perhubungan Awam (Professionalism of Public Relations) 5. Peranan Perhubungan Awam (The Role of Public Relations) 6. Penyelidikan dalam Perhubungan Awam (Research in Public Relations) 7. Pengurusan Perhubungan Awam (Public Relations Management) 8. Perhubungan Kemasyarakatan (Community Relations) 9. Perhubungan Media dan Penulisan Perhubungan Awam (Media Relations and Public Relations Writing) 10. Sumber Perhubungan Awam (Sources of Public Relations)
How to improve yourself… READING! READING ! READING Read a lot – formal (e.g. books, journal articles) and informal (online news, facebook) EVERYDAY WRITING! WRITING! WRITING! Write formal (e.g. assignment) and informal (e.g. chat, facebook, twitter) EVERYDAY
Pecahan Markah Kursus KOC 3431 PJJ No. Aktiviti Markah (%) 1 Tugasan 1* (Teknik dalam perhubungan awam) 30% 2 Tugasan 2* (Pelan strategi perhubungan awam) 3 Peperiksaan Akhir 40% Jumlah 100%
TUGASAN 1 (30%) Banner Newsletter Facebook Anda diminta untuk membuat TIGA teknik dalam perhubungan media bagi mempromosikan Pelancaran Karnival Jom Heboh dengan kerjasama Kementerian Wanita dan Masyarakat pada 10 November 2017 di Stadium Shah Alam. Banner Newsletter Facebook
TUGASAN 2 (30%) Scenario The Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) provides research training and networking opportunities for women scientists throughout the developing world at different stages in their careers. You work for a Higher Education Institution in a country or region of your choice. You have been seconded by that institution (and will remain located at that institution) to provide communications support to OWSD. Corporate aims The OWSD aims ‘to give young women from the poorest countries in the world the opportunity to develop their scientific careers and thereby participate in and influence the structural and economic development of their countries.’ ( Your task is to prepare a public relations strategy to support OWSD’s efforts to recruit local donors (normally other Higher Education Institutions) to support it in its work. Donors can support the OWSD financially, volunteering, and in kind.
TUGASAN 2 (30%) Task 1. Your job is to produce A STRATEGIC PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN This should be written as a professional document, with an appropriate tone and structure. You should also provide an indicative budget (no detailed breakdown is required) which should be reasonable in the context of the organisation concerned (affordability), country (ies) of operation, and the nature of the communications challenge being addressed. Your plan should be deliverable within this budget. Preface your submission with an executive summary and then cover: 1. Situational and organisational analysis 2. Discussion of potential issues and risks 3. Identification & prioritisation of key publics/stakeholders 4. SMART objectives and key messages 5. Communications strategy(ies) – the overall approach(es) used to achieve the objectives set 6. Discussion and details of appropriate forms of outcome (not output) evaluation Your capability to select tactics and implement the plan is assumed. You would move on to finalise these aspects once the board approves your strategic plan. Consequently, tactics/techniques, timetabling and resources are not required at this stage.
Nota: Tugasan ini hendaklah dilakukan secara INDIVIDU Tugasan 1 bertulis mestilah tidak lebih daripada 15 muka surat sahaja. Tugasan 2 bertulis mestilah tidak lebih daripada 20 muka surat sahaja. Tugasan yang dibuat mestilah mengandungi sekurang-kurangkannya 10 buku teks, artikel jurnal dan/atau rujukan yang berkaitan.
Keterangan Tugasan - Tugasan tersebut mestilah disediakan oleh pelajar dan perlu diserahkan pada waktu yang telah ditetapkan: Tugasan 1: Minggu 5 Tugasan 2: Minggu 10 - Markah akan ditolak bagi penghantaran tugasan yang lewat
NOTA TAMBAHAN Gaya Penulisan DBP (sila rujuk Gaya Dewan Edisi Ketiga, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka) Gaya Penulisan APA
References PHOTOCOPYING OF BOOKS IS RESTRICTED UNDER LAW (i) Teks Utama Tench, R. & Yeomans, L. (2009). Exploring Public Relations. Harlow: Prentice Hall. (ii) Teks Sampingan Abdullah, Zulhamri (2008). International Corporate Communication. Kuala Lumpur: Prentice Hall. Cutlip, Scott M., Allen H. Center & Glen M. Broom (2009) Effective Public Relations, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Baskin, Otis, Craig Aronoff & Dan Lattimore (1997) Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice, Madison: Brown & Benchmark. McElreath, Mark P. (1996) Managing Systematic and Ethical Public Relations Campaigns (2nd ed.), Madison: Brown & Benchmark. Seitel, Fraser P. (1998) The Practice of Public Relations (8th ed.), London: Prentice-Hall International,Inc. PHOTOCOPYING OF BOOKS IS RESTRICTED UNDER LAW
DESCRIPTION OF ASSIGNMENTS GROUP ASSIGNMENT: SMALL GROUP PROJECT/SEMINAR A must have: – Academic writing : technical text – author/year (e.g. journal article); footnotes (optional) - References (APA system/equiv.); the more references you have, the more credible the text you produce. (Sources: journal articles; books etc) - 12 ‘Times’ font; double spacing; A4 paper (refer to Piagam Projek).
Example: In Malaysia and Singapore, communication campaigns have always been aligned with ‘intercultural harmony’ (Sriramesh & Vercic, 2003). A case study by Cummings and DeSanto (2002) revealed that in the 1960s, the International Public Relations Group of Companies failed to convince their local and national clients in Asia, especially in Japan. Technical/science text NOT in ‘short form’; ‘bhs pasar’; story/’cerpen’ Paraphrase the sentences NOT copy
ASSIGNMENT MARKING SCHEME Assignments will be assessed based on four key criteria (COPS) as follows: Marking Criteria Marks 1. Content 30 2. Organization 30 3. Presentation 20 4. Style 20 Total: 100%
ASSIGNMENT MARKING SCHEME(2) Content Well focused; rigorous arguments/analysis; outstanding knowledge of and use of evidences; relevant supporting academic materials and real world examples; and excellent use of direct quotations. Organization Great mapping strategy guiding the readers; a clear introduction including a thesis statement (main ideas/key points); a main body clearly divided into sections; and excellent use of sub-headings and linking devices. Presentation Clearly presented with attention to detail of the conventions of the title page, bibliography, appendices, & overall layout; excellent referencing system; excelent use of appropriate vocabulary and gramatical structures; and able to demonstrate appropriate length with excellent spelling and punctuation. Style Excellent attention paid to a particular style demonstrated throughout; outstanding insights with high quality and innovation; and overall consistency of the style addressed throughout.
EXAMINATION MID-TERM EXAM: FINAL EXAM: OBJECTIVE/SUBJECTIVE Recall questions; multiple choices; true & false The question based on understanding, reasoning, application, and synthesis. General knowledge is strongly needed
UNIT 1 SEJARAH, PERKEMBANGAN DAN AMALAN PERHUBUNGAN AWAM (History, Development and Practice of Public Relations) Sektor Awam: Jabatan Publisiti & Percetakan 1945 Ditukar kpd Jabatan Perhubungan Raya Ditukar kpd Jabatan Penerangan 1950 Sektor Swasta: Eric White Associates 1964 Hill & Knowlton di Kuala Lumpur Orientasi pelaksanaan PR awam Alat propaganda & sebaran am Orientasi pelaksanaan PR swasta Pengukukuhan identiti dan imej organisasi
UNIT 2 HAKIKAT SEJADI, FALSAFAH DAN PROSES PERHUBUNGAN AWAM (Nature, Philosophy, and Process of Public Relations) Pelbagai publik (stakeholders) Komponen perhubungan awam Perhubungan media Hal ehwal awam Pembinaan imej Falsafah perhubungan awam Falsafah pengurusan sosial Proses perhubungan awam Pencarian fakta, perencanaan, komunikasi, & penilaian
UNIT 3 APLIKASI TEORI DAN MODEL PERHUBUNGAN AWAM (Application of Public Relations Theories and Models) Definasi perhubungan awam Teori komunikasi dan perhubungan awam Publisiti akhbar Pemaklumatan publik Asimetrik dua-hala Simetrik dua-hala Teori sistem Teori difusi
UNIT 4 PROFESIONALISME PERHUBUNGAN AWAM (Professionalism of Public Relations) Definasi profesionalisme Definasi professioalisme dlm PR Pengamalan nilai profesional Keahlian dlm pertubuhan PR Pengamalan etika kerja PR Pengukuhan ilmu PR Latihan profesional dlm PR
UNIT 5 PERANAN PERHUBUNGAN AWAM (The Role of Public Relations) Komunikasi satu hala – periklanan & pemasaran Komunikasi dua-hala - PR 3 bentuk amalan PR Persuasif; Informatif, & Edukatif Komunikasi persuasif Kegiatan & tugas perhubungan awam Strategi perhubungan awam Strategi publisiti Pendekatan pengurusan 8-tahap