Why did Henry VIII behead some of his wives?
Write in your Books the title and date and underline with a ruler. Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Beheading Write in your Books the title and date and underline with a ruler. Start Here Activity 1 – Engage: Write down 3 reasons why you think Henry VIII wanted a son.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Beheading Explore: a b c d e f g h i j k l m Find words about this source that start with the Red letters. Can you find a word that starts with the Purple letter T? n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Say one of your reasons why he wanted a son. Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Beheading The last request of Anne Boleyn was to be executed by a French Swordsman instead of an English Headsman. Key vocabulary: Beheading Execution Reflect: What have we learnt so far? Say one of your reasons why he wanted a son.
Making progress in history today: Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Making progress in history today: To evaluate the argument of historians about Henry VIII Thomas Cranmer To explain the impact Henry VIII has had in English history Henry VIII To describe the strengths and weaknesses of Henry VIII Ann Boleyn SMSC: moral – the impact of Henry’s decision on the World
Write down the names of his wives and what happened to each of them. Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Beheading Activity 3 – Transform: Peer-work in groups of 3-4 Write down the names of his wives and what happened to each of them.
Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Beheading Task 1 (10 minutes) Write a paragraph explaining why you think Henry VIII had the wives executed. Instructions All complete Task 1, then Task 2. Task 2 (10 minutes) Explain why you think his wives were so willing to marry Henry VIII.
Beheading Extension Activity: Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Beheading Extension Activity: Task 3 Write a diary entry as if you were Anne Boleyn facing your day of execution.
Beheading Activity 4 - Consolidate: Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Beheading Peer-Mark Swap books and mark using 2 Stars and a wish. Activity 4 - Consolidate: Henry VIII had no choice, but to have both of the wives executed. His reputation as well as his masculinity was in doubt by them being unfaithful. Give this statement a score between +10 for True and -10 for False, be ready to explain your reasoning.
Beheading Home Learning: Due next week Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Beheading Home Learning: Develop your knowledge of Henry VIII by completing the Home learning Sheet. Due next week
Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Our Learning Journey Even Better Learning: Some will evaluate the argument of historians. Using appropriate vocabulary to discuss the historical impact of Henry VIII: Developing historical skills: Great Learning: Most will be able to explain the impact Henry VIII has had in English history. Good Learning: All will be able to describe the strengths and weaknesses of Henry VIII. I can use key words to discuss the historical impact of Henry VIII Source inference skills Supporting points with evidence Completing independent research Using ICT skills to present work effectively I am developing historical skills
Beheading Reflective time: Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII beheaded some of his wives. Beheading Reflective time: 1 Write one thing you have learnt this lesson. 2 What could you do to improve your progress?