PERT Performance Enhancement and Response Team TF-NGN, February 7th, 2003 Victor Reijs
ToR Aim of PERT: To provide an (pro-)active support structure for (end-)user to help solve performance issues when using applications over a computer network
Some characteristics Comparable with CERT Logical infrastructure Link levels: International (DANTE, Internet2, IO, manufacturers, user communities) National (NREN’s) Institute USERS
Structure A human network Involvement of experts: applications (GRID, astronomy, video conferencing, others?) OS equipment network (IP, IP Premium, LBE, others?) Join e-mail distribution list:
Finalize the ToR Make definitions of terms User must have feeling that he/she is supported Define activities: PERT procedures project milestones/deliverables Start pilot activity, to get a better idea of issues; join Determine which EC instruments best matches the PERT
Milestones Feb. 20th, 2002 Decide which EC instrument will be used Feb. 28th, 2003 Have a two page document/flyer ready on the PERT (possibly sent it to EC) April 1st, 2003 Have PERT project proposal ready, incl. leader and external relations concept Q3, 2003 Start with pilot PERT