Post 9/11 GI Bill Transferability Time earned towards eligibility can only be earned on AD (AT does not count) 4 4 The Post 9/11 GI-Bill transfer of education benefits (TEB) option is a retention tool used to retain service members actively participating in the Armed Forces on either active duty (AD) or in the Selected Reserve (SELRES). Eligibility for TEB is determined by the Navy and not Veterans Affairs (VA). New Navy officers who may qualify for the Post 9/11 GI-Bill benefit usually fall within three categories based on their commissioning source: Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), Naval Academy and Officer Candidate School (OCS). ROTC midshipmen (does not include Nurses or Marines) starting their freshman year of college in the Fall of 2010 or later will be required to serve a minimum of five years of active military service. Previous midshipmen were required to serve four years. All Naval Academy midshipmen are required to serve five years active military service. OCS members are not required to serve mandatory AD time like their ROTC and Academy counterparts. Academy and ROTC graduates: any time served after completing the service requirement will count toward earning the Post 9/11 GI-Bill benefit. The benefit is earned in tiers with the first 90 days of qualifying AD time served equating to 40%. 36 months of aggregate AD time served will be needed to earn 100% of the benefit. Please visit: for eligibility criteria and specifics regarding the Post 9/11 GI-Bill. All members will be eligible to transfer their unused portion of the benefit after completing six total years of active service in either the SELRES, on AD or a combination of the two. Members MUST first complete their Post 9/11 GI-Bill transferability page 13 with PSD first BEFORE transferring the benefits on the milConnect site. The page 13 must show in the member's Electronic Service Record (ESR) first before the Navy GI-Bill shop will approve a TEB request. This can be verified by logging in to NSIPS and checking the Admin Remarks sections. Once the page 13 is logged in the ESR, members can then log in to the milConnect site to elect TEB at: under the "Education" tab. **Once a member transfers the benefit, they must return back within one week to verify the request has been approved** No notification of the approval or denial will be sent to the member. Members must return back to the milConnect site to verify their TEB request has been approved. Once the approval is granted, status will state "Request Approved" on the benefit transfer page and an option to print the approval letter will be available. We recommend you save a copy for your records. Spouses may use the benefit immediately, but dependent children must have completed high school first and the member must have served at least 10 years in the military (SELRES, AD, or a combination) before dependent children can use the benefit. Transferring the benefit requires serving an additional consecutive four years in either the SELRES, on AD, or a combination without any breaks in active participation, i.e., not one day spent in the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). The 4-year clock starts the day the benefit was transferred in milConnect. The earliest a member may elect TEB is at the 6-year mark; however, it can be transferred any time after that. The earliest a member can fully satisfy the TEB requirement is at 10 years of consecutive active service (SELRES or AD). Please review the new BUPERSNOTE, approved 15 AUG 14, for authoritative information on the Post 9/11 GI-Bill: Also review the Navy Personnel Command (NPC) site for more info and resources: For any questions regarding Post 9/11 GI-Bill TEB, please direct them as follows: -Active duty and FTS: PERS 314 - 1-877-827-5672, x4258; -Reserve: CNRFC - 1-800-621-8853; All members can elect to transfer after completing 6 yrs of service (AD, SELRES or combo) Dependent children can use benefits after completing high school & member serves 10 yrs (AD, SELRES or combo) Spouses can use transferred benefits immediately.