Unit 3 Review
1. Which of the following was not a global impact of silver. A 1. Which of the following was not a global impact of silver? A. It strengthened and integrated the world economy. B. It increased outside interest in the Americas. C. It decreased the power of the Spanish crown. D. It increased imported slave labor in the Americas. E. It led to the exploitation of indigenous labor in the Americas.
2. Which of the following were considered the Gunpowder Empires in the Islamic world? A. Ming China, Mughal India, Seljuk Turks. B. Tokugawa Shogunate, Ming China, Yuan China. C. Ottoman Turkey, Delhi Sultanate, Khmer Cambodia. D. Safavid Persia, Ottoman Turkey, Mughal India. E. Safavid Persia, Ming China, Tokugawa Shogunate.
3. Cities in Mesoamerican and Andean societies A 3. Cities in Mesoamerican and Andean societies A. Were able to erect large architectural structures even with the lack of technologies such as the wheel. B. Were only large enough to accommodate the homes of the military and political elites. C. Usually stood on the outskirts of the empire because of their role as centers for religious ritual. D. Were able to provide the food to feed all of their inhabitants. E. Were richly decorated and only used for religious purposes.
4. Why was Constantinople such a prize for the Ottomans. A 4. Why was Constantinople such a prize for the Ottomans? A. The city had developed a thriving manufacturing economy. B. Its capture signified the final eradication of Christianity in Ottoman territory. C. Following their takeover of the city, the Ottomans were able to unite with the remnants of the Byzantine Empire. D. The Ottomans’ capture of the city prevented its takeover by their rivals, the Safavids of Iran, and ended further competition between the two powers. E. Constantinople would allow Ottoman participation in the growing sea-based trade economy of the next several centuries.
5. The above photograph is representative of which type of architecture? A. Hindu. B. Islamic. C. Byzantine. D. Chinese. E. Christian.
6. Which of the following statements is accurate concerning slavery in the Americas and Russian serfdom? A. Serfs and slaves were both bound to the land. B. Slaves in the Americas performed primarily agricultural work, while serfs in Russia did not. C. Serfdom was permanent institution, while slavery in the Americas was temporary. D. Serfs were bound to their owner, while slaves were bound to the land. E. Slaves and serfs were subject to brutal working conditions.
7. The statements below refer to which empire 7. The statements below refer to which empire? -were of Turkish origin -located in South Asia -founded by Babur A. Mughal Empire. B. Ottoman Empire. C. Songhai Empire. D. Qing Empire. E. Safavid Empire.
8. Which of the following statements is an accurate comparison of the Aztec and Mongol empires? A. Trade was discouraged in both the Aztec and Mongol Empires. B. The Mongols collected taxes from their people, while the Aztecs only demanded tribute. C. The Mongols were far superior administrators than the Aztecs. D. Territorial conquest allowed both groups to have warrior elite classes in their societies. E. Both the Aztecs and the Mongols were conquered by the Spanish.
9. All of the following describe major global developments that occurred between 1450 and 1750 except A. The Colombian Exchange of goods, disease, and cultures spread throughout the world. B. Improvements in and the spread of shipping technologies. C. The inclusion of the Americas in the global trade network allowed a truly global economy to develop. D. Gunpowder weapons allowed European countries to begin dominance in the Americas. E. Voluntary migration of African people across the Atlantic Ocean to fill the demand for labor in plantations.
10. How did the Chinese and Japanese responses to Christianity compare 10. How did the Chinese and Japanese responses to Christianity compare? A. Both the Chinese and Japanese peasants embraced Christianity as a welcome alternative to the hierarchical nature of Confucianism. B. Chinese peasants rejected the religion while the Japanese emperor forced it on the lower classes. C. Both governments forbade the admission of Jesuit priests. D. The Chinese elite incorporated it into culture, while the Japanese government required proof of Buddhist loyalty. E. Peasants in both China and Japan incorporated Christian practices into veneration of ancestors.