Workforce Education Update to AEAC Nancy Dick, Director, Workforce Education February 20, 2018
Quick facts about Workforce Education 47,000 FTE enrolled in workforce courses; nearly 2000 programs statewide 47% of CTC enrollment Program advisory committees with approximately 2000 employers 10 statewide Centers of Excellence are a bridge between our colleges and industries such as advanced manufacturing, IT, allied health, agriculture and clean energy $100 million/year in federal and state funding to support workforce students and our colleges Federal TANF (WorkFirst) SNAP E&T (BFET) Perkins State Worker retraining Aerospace, healthcare, early learning, workforce development, and more
Impact of WIOA & Guided Pathways WIOA requires adult basic education students to be on a career pathway New opportunities for improved collaboration between adult basic education and workforce education on our campuses because of WIOA and guided pathways
K12 partnerships between CTE and Workforce Education Aligning Perkins career clusters with meta-majors Improved opportunities for CTE dual-credit Strengthened programs of study leading to robust college pathways Partnership between SBCTC and OSPI
Working with low-income populations DSHS goal to reduce poverty in our state by 50% by 2025 Improved braiding of funding Addressing campus needs for food/housing stability, transportation and childcare WorkFirst 24 month eligibility for vocational education WorkFirst work study Guided pathways equity work
Apprenticeship and work-based learning NGA work-based learning policy academy Governor’s career connected learning initiative Youth apprenticeship Partnership with L&I Corrections apprenticeship program: collaboration between BEdA and Workforce Ed
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