What is POSTMODERNISM start by looking at modernism Post modernism = postmodernism Pre modern -modern - postmodern birth of science and technology birth of sociology to explain how society works – functionalism, Marxism Same beliefs , values & norms & morals Same sense of vision /pride Shared interest Everyone was rational ,autonomous , individuals Individualism – mass what is really is on going group conflict – we are defined by gender , class , ethnicity , etc human are group creatures .
Postmodernism SOCIETY IS DIVERSE THE WORLD IS A REPRESENTATION NO FINAL TRUTH COMPLEX ALL TRUTH IS RELATIVE FICTION Postmodernism : philosophy of education Narratives , Technology – nuclear power , car emission modern world science that it prides itself on – analysis , obersvation is one one way of thinking about world , male white bow down before science UNCERTAIN REALITY IS NOT FIXED OR DETERMINED NO BOUNDARIES WORLD DISORDER /FRAGMENTATION
No true or false /No true account of reality Reject “grand narratives” or master narratives. LYOTARD (e.g. science – Legitimation /how it claims truth) deconstruction competing No true or false /No true account of reality FOUCALT – meaningless to speak in name of or against reason/ truth Truth / knowledge – meaningless concept which means a method of look for weak points in modern thinking and question established ways of perception ,thinking. Attack all other theories
GENERAL VIEW OF EDUCATION Aim of education – empower & fight human power, rights , against inequalities . Students = social cultural beings Curriculum – empower & transform society Diversity & difference – identify and value it will help develop society History- margins of society /your own history & culture Teachers role – what you do with knowledge Debate/discuss/question Ethics ,moral / critical education /diversity
POSTMODERNIST ....... HENRY GIROUX – education standard is white ROBIN USHER & RICHARD EDWARDS - No single curriculum – school should teach different things and accept different truths Education to cater to all whatever your social class , sexual orientation , ethnicity and gender Education has become a consumption e.g. adult education Postmodern society – choice & diversity , consumption Flexibility & long distance learning Education individual needs: Part time , internet , evening classes Greater choice in gaining knowledge , any subject Study not just for work , but knowledge
3 subjects Literature – males/white Eurocentric – should appreciate other writers Science – observation/ reason , one way of seeing world normally white Males do better than females White and Asians better then others All should not be expected to do it White standard , failing other – marginal In curriculum other ways to think History
Arguments against functionalism How do functionalist see society
Postmodernist attack Marxism Social class – decline Society is far more diverse Identity constructed by the individual picking and mixing - Not one sense of identity Class , religion , birth doesn't define oneself anymore People change identity freely – consumption of different things can have different lifestyle
Criticisms Positive light on education – empower & transform society Recognises diversity Unclear definition of post modernity , unclear about what they are about clear on what they are against There is political and economic control Class is still influential You don’t know whether they are criticising education or praising education What about common values – celebrating that