Problems of the Early Republic


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Presentation transcript:

Problems of the Early Republic

Problem 1: Creating a stable economy America was in debt (75-80 million dollars) The US government owed money to foreign nations and to the American people through the use of bonds during the revolution.

Solution 1: How to stabilize economy 1. Pay off all outstanding war debt by raising government revenues/income through taxes (whiskey) and protective tariffs 2. Create a National Bank to take the place of individual state banks

Problem 2: Establish authority of federal government There are no precedents for how much power the federal government should have. Federalists want strong federal government Anti-Federalists want weak federal government

Solution 2: Increase Power of Federal Government 1. Creation of national bank showed an increase in the power of legislative branch (loose interpretation) 2. Judiciary Act of 1789 and Judicial Review to strengthen Judicial Branch 3. Appoint Cabinet Officers to expand the power of the Executive Branch

Problem 3: Creating the U.S. Court System There is no court system in place in the United States until 1789.

Solution 3: Passage of Judiciary Act of 1789 Judiciary Act of 1787, Congress created: 1. The Supreme Court 2. 13 federal district courts 3. All lower level courts

First 5 Presidents and Andrew Jackson

Battle of Fallen Timbers Cabinet: Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republicans) and Alexander Hamilton (Federalist/Created National Bank) Which two cabinet members had differing political views? Who created the National Bank? Whiskey Rebellion Proved new national government can enforce laws What event showed the new, stronger federal government under the Constitution could protect the people and enforce the law? (compare to Shays) Which battle ensured Americans ability to move to the Northwest territory? Battle of Fallen Timbers Defends Northwest territory from Indians Farewell Address No political parties Stay out of foreign affairs (remain isolated and neutral) Stay out of Debt What was Washington’s 3 pieces of advice in his Farewell Address?

What kind of government? What kind of government? America’s future economy? America’s future economy? Interpretation of Constitution? Interpretation of Constitution? Pro or Anti National Bank? Pro or Anti National Bank? Pro or Anti Tariffs? Pro or Anti Tariffs? Pro British o French? Pro British o French?

Alien and Sedition Act XYZ Affair 1. Immigrants are dangerous - made it difficult to become citizens 2. Made it illegal to talk bad about government How did John Adams affect immigrants? How did John Adams violate the 1st amendment? XYZ Affair France attacks, Adams attempts peace, France wants a bribe, Americans want war, Adams and America remain neutral France attacks our ships trading with England! Do we go to war or not?

Believed in an agrarian based economy in U.S. 1803 Louisiana Purchase Believed in an agrarian based economy in U.S. Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea as their Indian guide What was Jefferson’s contribution to Westward Expansion? What was his reasoning for his decision? Who explored the new territory? England and France keep attacking American trade ships. What should Jefferson do? Embargo Act 1807 Stops trade with England and France. The economy is ruined. Marbury V. Madison Judicial Review: Supreme court can declare laws and acts by executive and judicial branch unconstitutional. Court case in which Jefferson declines Adams appointment of judges. Gives the supreme court the ability to determine constitutionality of acts/laws.

What were the 3 main causes of the war? War of 1812 Causes: 1. English destroying ships, stealing cargo 2. Impressment of American sailors 3. Giving weapons/aid to Indians in NW territory War of 1812 Causes: What were the 3 main causes of the War of 1812? War of 1812 What: Great Lakes Naval victory= Oliver Hazard Perry Battle of New Orleans = Andrew Jackson Battle of Fort McHenry = Francis Scott Key + National Anthem War of 1812 What: Who are the 3 important people and the battles they were in during the war. Effects: 1. Industrial Revolution (increased American manufacturing) 2. Nationalism/Patriotism (Era of Good Feelings) War of 1812 Effects: What were the 2 main effects of the war?

How did Americans feel after the War of 1812? (Hint: YAYYY!) Era of Good Feelings Patriotism/Nationalism (Pride in your country) Now that Latin America has fought their wars for independence and we fought the British, what should I tell Europe? Monroe Doctrine No European colonization in Western Hemisphere. Any attempt at further colonization will be considered an act of war against the US.

Spoils System Common Man Nullification Crisis Jackson awarded government jobs to his supporters Common Man Jacksonian Democracy= Universal White Manhood Suffrage (all white men vote, no more land requirements) Jackson was a champion of the… How did Jackson feel about the National Bank and the rich? Bank War Killed the bank with a veto because it helped the rich, despised the rich "John C. Calhoun, if you secede from my nation, I will secede your head from the rest of your body."– Andrew Jackson Nullification Crisis Tariffs hurt the economy of the South while benefitting the Northern manufacturing industries. South Carolina threatens to secede. Henry Clay compromises with a lower tariff. How did Jackson feel about John C. Calhoun, secession and tariff policies? Worcester V. Georgia Gold in Georgia Cherokee Nation wins court case, Jackson refused to enforce verdict Indian Removal Act=Trail of Tears How did Jackson treat the Indians and what was so valuable on their land?

Alien and Sedition Acts- Passes laws stating that immigrants are dangerous and that people can’t say what they want about the government.

Won American support for the presidency after his heroic efforts during the War of 1812 at the Battle of New Orleans.

Louisiana Purchase- 1803, Doubled the size of the USA, purchased from France. Purchased to fulfill his dream of an agrarian-based economy.

Embargo Acts- This president was angry with France and England for attacking and seizing American ships. No more importing/exporting. Devastated the economy.

President during a period of increased nationalism and patriotism after the war of 1812

Farewell Address: 1. No political Parties 2 Farewell Address: 1. No political Parties 2. Do not form foreign alliances 3. Stay out of debt

Judicial Review: power to declare laws and actions unconstitutional President during the court ruling of Marbury v. Madison, which resulted in what government power? Judicial Review: power to declare laws and actions unconstitutional

Founded the Democratic-Republican party Founded the Democratic-Republican party. Weak central government Strict interpretation of Constitution An economy based on Agriculture

XYZ Affair- Diplomats go to France to stop the attacks on American ships. They demand a bribe. Americans demand war. He sticks to a proclamation of neutrality.

Ignored the supreme court ruling that resulted from Worcester v Ignored the supreme court ruling that resulted from Worcester v. Georgia, resulting in the forced relocation of natives to lands west of the Mississippi.

Whiskey Rebellion- Alexander Hamilton (secretary of treasury) suggests taxing whiskey makers. How does this rebellion end? What should we compare it to? Quick end of the Whiskey Rebellion showed the federal government under the Constitution could provide protection and safety to the people, a big fear after Shays’ Rebellion during the Confederation Period The rebellion dissolved upon hearing the news that Washington was coming, showed the new, strong power of the federal government and presidency.

Who led the Federalist Party John Adams George Washington Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton

Father of the Constitution that was president during the War of 1812.

What was an effect of the War of 1812? Civil War Reconstruction Increased domestic manufacturing Women’s reform movement

This doctrine stated that European countries would not be able to colonize the western hemisphere (The Americas)

Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner? John Quincy Adams Thomas Paine Francis Scott Key Hiram Rhodes Revels

Where were Europeans not allowed to colonize according to the Monroe Doctrine?

Killed the National bank with a veto Killed the National bank with a veto. Believed the bank helped only the rich. Placed federal money in state banks. Devastated the economy with this move.

Proclamation of Neutrality

Nullification Crisis- Tariff protected northern manufacturing Nullification Crisis- Tariff protected northern manufacturing. South angry because less cotton sold to foreign countries. South Carolina threatens to secede. Henry Clay compromises with a lower tariff.

Where did President George Washington defend the young nation from attack during the Battle of Fallen Timbers? Area 2 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4

Why did the United States declare war on England in the War of 1812? England invaded the United States England colonized Mexico Impressment of American sailors England declared the Treaty of Paris Nullified

The Common Man-Expanded suffrage to poor, non-land owning, white men.