Excellence for society International evaluation of research and doctoral TRAINING at the University of Helsinki 2005-2010 Vice-Rector Johanna Björkroth 7 May 2012 21.9.2018
Outline Role of Steering group Risk taking endeavour Evaluation aspects Success of RCs in evaluation Rewards Osasto / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi 21.9.2018
Steering group (2010-2012) and its role Vice-Rector Johanna Björkroth (pj) Professor Marja Airaksinen (vpj) Chief information specialist Maria Forsman Professor Arto Mustajoki Univ. lecturer Kirsi Pyhältö Director, Academic Affairs Ossi Tuomi Doctoral candidate Jussi Vauhkonen
Some critical questions discussed Participation categories Researcher Community – in evaluation – in future Voluntary participation Performance profiles related to success and rewarding Usefulness of data and reports Bibliometrics Societal impact
Evaluation aspects in Panels’ feedback Scientific quality Scientific significance Societal impact Processes of leadership and management Collaboration Innovativeness Future significance
Material given to the Panels E-forms List of publications (TUHAT) List of other scientific activities (TUHAT) CWTS/Leiden bibliometric analyses RCs Entire University HULib bibliometric analyses for the RCs Doctoral Survey Background information Statistics about the UH and the Finnish HE
Participating Researcher Communities (page161) 21.9.2018
Quality and focus of research Mean of scores (1-5) 3.96 Natural Sciences 4.16 Biological, Agr. and Vet. Scs 4.02 Humanities 4.02 Medicine, Biomed and Health Scs 4.00 Social Scs 3.72 (Page 168) 21.9.2018
Doctoral training Mean of scores (1-5) 4.02 Humanities 4.30 Medicine, biomed and Health Scs 4.09 Natural Scs 4.02 Biological, Agr. and Vet. Scs 3.88 Social Scs 3.86 (Page 168) 21.9.2018
Societal impact Mean of scores (1-5) 4.03 Humanities 4.18 Medicine, biomed and Health. Scs 4.17 Biological, Agr. and Vet Scs 4.02 Social Scs 3.94 Natural Scs 3.82 (Page 168) 21.9.2018
Collaboration Mean of scores (1-5) 4.08 Medicine, biomed and Health Scs 4.22 Natural Scs 4.09 Social Scs 4.08 Humanities 4.07 Biological, Agr. and Vet. Scs 3.93 (Page 168) 21.9.2018
Distributions of numeric evaluation – Panel: Biological, Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences (page 67) 21.9.2018
Distributions of numeric evaluation – Panel: Medicine, Biomedicine and Health Sciences (page84) 21.9.2018
Distributions of numeric evaluation – Panel: Natural Sciences (page 105) 21.9.2018
Distributions of numeric evaluation – Panel: Humanities (page125) 21.9.2018
Distributions of numeric evaluation – Panel: Social Sciences (page146) 21.9.2018
Monetary rewards for the years 2013 - 2016 Total 10.47 million euro – division based on the performance of research and doctoral training Rewards will be addressed according to the numerical scores of RCs in participation categories The highest 30 percent in each category will be rewarded Score level of success is unique in each category Amount of reward will be determined according to the number of PIs in successful RCs The success criteria is determined by the first four evaluation questions 21.9.2018
Category 1: Cutting edge (page 345) 21.9.2018
Category 2: Close to Cutting Edge (page 346) 21.9.2018
Category 3: Exceptional (page 346) 21.9.2018
Category 4: Innovative opening (page 347) 21.9.2018
Category 5: Societal impact (page 347) 21.9.2018
Conclusion MORE – Helsinki Has been noted by other universities Produced a valuable set of data Initiated discussion about collaboration Produced first time bibliometric raports 21.9.2018
All reports are available in electronic form: Thank you All reports are available in electronic form: http://www.helsinki.fi/julkaisut/halvin_julkaisut.shtml University-level paperback report can be ordered: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/35495/lomake.html