Vocabulary for Mar 20-Mar 24 2017
Frequency Frequency describes the number of times a specific value occurs in a data set.
Relative Frequency
Relative Frequency Relative Frequency is the ratio of the number of data in each category to the total number of data items. The ratio can be expressed as a fraction, decimal or percent.
Relative Frequency
Relative Frequency Relative Frequency of an event = the number of times the event occurs the total number of trials
Categorical Data
Categorical Data Categorical Data is a set of data that can be sorted or divided into different categories, according to the attributes of the data.
Categorical Data
Categorical Data Different groups of cars are an example of Categorical Data.
Percent Bar Graph
Percent Bar Graph A Percent Bar Graph is a bar graph that shows each category as a percent of the total number of data items.
Percent Bar Graph
Numerical Data
Numerical Data Numerical data is data that is expressed with digits as opposed to letters or words. For example, the weight of a desk or the height of a building is numerical data.
Numerical Data
End of Words