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Presentation transcript:

Different country Same story Italian Unification Different country Same story


Sardinia Takes Over Sardinia1 leads the Nationalist movement in Italy just like Prussia2 led the Nationalist movement in Germany  

King Victor Emmanuel II Ruled under a constitutional monarchy 3 Wanted to unite Italy under his government4

Camillo Cavour Emmanuel II appointed Camillo Cavour5 Prime Minister in 1852 by Came from a Noble6 family Willing to do anything7 to get what he wanted

Camillo Cavour Liked realpolitik8 Cavour is just like Otto von Bismarck9

Sardinia Grows Alliance with France10 that if Sardinia and Austria11 get into a fight, France will get Sardinia’s back. Picks a fight with Austria and won Lombardy12

Sardinia Grows Nationalist movements overthrow Austrian-backed rulers in Northern Italy13 These states voted to join14 with Sardinia

Kingdom of Italy in 1860

Garibaldi’s Red Shirts Recruited a force of 1,00015 nationalists Called them the Red Shirts16 – this was their uniform

Garibaldi’s Red Shirts Cavour gave him weapons17 and ships and sent him south to Sicily and Naples18

Route of Garibaldi’s Red Shirts 1860

Garibaldi Won Sicily19 Won Naples20

Cavour vs. Garibaldi Cavour was alarmed, worried that Garibaldi would try to set up his own country21 in the south Cavour sends Sardinia troops22 to deal with Garibaldi

Cavour vs. Garibaldi Sardinia troops overrun papal states23 and link up with Garibaldi in Naples Garibaldi, without a fight24 turned over Naples and Sicily to Emmanuel II

Italy is UNIFIED! March 17, 186125 Emmanuel II crowned king of Italy But they still don’t have Venetia or Rome26 Cavour dies27 in 1861

Kingdom of Italy in 1861

Emmanuel Gets It All Italy gets Venetia28 from deal with Bismarck after Austro-Prussian War During Franco-Prussian war France is forced to withdraw29 troops from Rome Italy moves in and takes Rome30

Kingdom of Italy in 1861

There are many similarities between Italian and German unification