The Development of Feudalism EQs: What changes occurred in Europe after the fall of Rome? What is Feudalism and how did it work?
Medieval Europe Middle Ages = Medieval Period From Latin words: Medieval Europe is a period of roughly 1,000 years (500-1450) known as Middle Ages Middle Ages = Medieval Period From Latin words: medium = middle aevum = age
European Continent Europe shares landmass with the continent of Asia Known as Eurasian or Eurasia Continents separated by Ural Mountains Topography (physical features) Europe is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the west and the Artic Ocean on the north Many small rivers play key role in trade and communication Longest river is the Volga River Mountain ranges like the Apennines and Alps across southern Europe
European Continent Cont. Climate and vegetation Southern Europe has mild winters Northern Europe has cold winters Most of Europe receives much rainfall Many forests and farmland Allows for people to produce much of what they need
European Changes after Rome Use Cornell Notes or create a Multi-Flow Cause and Effect thinking Map. Rome Falls
Review : Downfall of Rome What were some causes for the fall of Rome? Economic Decline Disloyal Military Political Corruption Slavery (no advances in farming) Lack of Patriotism Invasions: Germanic tribes and others
Cultural Changes Germanic kingdoms dominated the lands Unlike Romans, Germanic tribes: Lived in small communities Had unwritten rules and traditions to maintain order No large governments or trade systems Cities disappeared Lack of trade promoted farming life Did not emphasize learning scholarly works Educated middle class disappeared Most schools ceased to exist
Christianity Grows and Spreads Christianity survives the fall of Rome because many German rulers and subjects converted to Christianity. The Franks, Germanic people created an empire that helped spread Christianity. Clovis was the first leader of the Franks Ruled from the Rhine river to the Pyrenees mountains Under Charlemagne, Christianity grew stronger. Created a highly organized and well-run empire Spreads Christianity through conquest and sometimes forces subjects to convert. Charlemagne
Growth of Monasteries Monasteries developed throughout Europe Monasteries - religious places where monks practiced a life of prayer and worship. Monks studied Christian works and made copies of the Bible. Helped preserved and promote ideas and beliefs of Christianity.
Feudalism Charlemagne’s death lead to unstable violent period and the beginning of Feudalism. Feudalism = a political and social system based on an agreement between two nobles – the lords and vassals.
Feudalism Create a pyramid to help you visualize the hierchy
Feudal Structure And Church Officials Serfs