THE FOUNDATIONS OF ROME Preview PART I: Starting Points Map: Italy and the Mediterranean Roman Civilization Develops Quick Facts: Etruscan Influences The Conflict of the Orders Quick Facts: Checks and Balances in the Roman Government PART II: The Republic Expands Faces of History: Two Commanders of the Punic Wars Rome’s Boogey Man: HANNIBAL
LEARNING GOALS By the end of this lesson students will be able to: explain how Rome grew from a small town on the banks of an Italian river, to control the entire Mediterranean region describe why Rome become a republic, and explain how it functioned
The region
ROMAN CIVILIZATION DEVELOPS “All roads lead to Rome.” “Rome was not built in a day.” “When in Rome . . .” How did Rome win such a place in modern popular culture? Peninsula logical place for emergence of mighty empire juts south from Europe far into Mediterranean Sea lies almost halfway between eastern, western boundaries of the sea protected by mountains, sea rich soil, mild climate Italy’s Geography legend: Romulus and Remus, twin brothers raised by she-wolf; founded city 753 BC members of Indo-European tribe, Latins, reached Italy 1000s BC; built Rome city prospered partly from location on Tiber River valuable trade routes, easy access to sea The Founding of Rome
THE ETRUSCANS Rome first ruled by Latin Kings came under Etruscan rule, 600 BC Etruscans came from northern Italy evidence found at cemeteries indicates Etruscans great metalworkers, jewelers Etruscan culture heavily influenced by Greeks Etruscans had great influence on Roman society
Examples of etruscan influence
What advantages did Rome’s location give the city? Summarize What advantages did Rome’s location give the city? Answer(s): protected by mountains; sea provided protection and transportation; had rich soil, pleasant climate; located on major trade routes; Tiber River provided easy access to the sea
THE CONFLICT OF THE ORDERS Etruscan Rule Ends Etruscans ruled Rome until about 509 BC Romans revolted, threw out last of kings, setup new type of government Republic—elected officials governed state – NEVER HAVE KINGS AGAIN!!! Who were the ‘Patricians’? aristocratic families – wealthy and powerful patrician families controlled all society—politics, religion, economics, military maintained power through patronage system Who were the ‘Plebeians’? from beginning, common people, plebeians, challenged patricians for power invaders threatened 494 BC; plebeians refused to fight until changes made patricians knew they would have no army, expanded plebeian rights
Resolving conflicts Plebeian Council The Twelve Tables after receiving new rights, plebeians formed own assembly, Plebeian Council, to oversee affairs and protect interests gained right to elect officials known as tribunes Tribunes’ job—protect against unjust treatment by patrician officials gained right to veto—ban laws that seemed harmful, unjust The Twelve Tables 450 BC, plebeians forced patricians to have all laws written down laws displayed in Roman Forum, central square, on 12 large bronze tablets because laws were posted, patrician judges could not make decisions based on own opinions or secret laws
Republican government Patricians, plebeians worked out practical constitution Consisted of three parts: Senate, popular assemblies, magistrates Initially dominated by patricians; all state offices later open to both patricians, plebeians New Offices and Institutions Senate: 300 members, advised elected officials, controlled public finances, handled all foreign relations Popular assemblies: in these all citizens voted on laws, elected officials… Magistrates: governed in name of Senate and people, put laws into practice, acted as priests… Elements of Government
The magistrates Censors Consuls Praetors Quaestors two appointed - held imperium (full power) for 1 year term chief executives, army commanders could veto (forbid) each other Censors recorded wealth, residence of population (census) ‘policed’ the Senate, in charge of public morality Praetors primarily judges, could act for consuls if consuls away at war after terms ended, given military commands, appointed provisional governors Quaestors served as assistants to consuls oversaw the financial administration of the republic
Republican checks and balances
Why do you think the Romans established a republic? Draw Conclusions Why do you think the Romans established a republic? Answer(s): possible answer—They wanted a system of laws to keep peace within their expanding empire.
PART II The republic expands
Learning goals By the end of this lesson students will be able to: explain how Rome became a world power describe Rome came to dominate the Mediterranean
ROME ORGANIZES Growth Military Might Roman Army As Rome’s government changed, the Roman population continued to grow Rome needed more land for expanding population Began to settle surplus population on land acquired by conquering neighbors Military Might Successful expansion not possible without powerful army All Roman men between ages 17 and 46 with minimum amount of property required to serve in army during times of war Roman Army Organized into units called legions (approx. 4500 - 6000 men), backbone of which were centurions (commanders of 100 men units) Army highly disciplined, well-trained force, could fight in all types of terrain
EXPANSION BEGINS The Conquest of Italy The Conquest of Sicily 265 BC, Romans had defeated Etruscans and Greek cities in Southern Italy Romans imposed two strict conditions on subject people—subjects had to provide troops for Roman army, abandon any dealings with foreign nations Other than those conditions, Rome rarely interfered with domestic affairs of people it conquered The Conquest of Sicily Once in control of Italy, Rome turned attention to Sicily, large island to south of Italian Peninsula In Sicily, Rome came into conflict with Carthage, powerful North African trading city Conflict grew into series of three wars Punic Wars raged for nearly 80 years
THE PUNIC WARS Violence between Rome and Carthage broke out in 264 BC. Because the First Punic War was fought mostly at sea, Carthage’s powerful navy dominated the early fighting. Soon, however, the Romans built a navy of their own and were able to defeat Carthage. Violence soon broke out again 218 BC, Carthaginian general Hannibal led army across Pyrenees, Alps to invade Italy Hannibal ravaged Italy, defeated every army he faced Romans needed new strategy Hannibal Romans decided to take war to Africa General Publius Cornelius Scipio sailed to Africa, besieged Carthage Forced Hannibal to sail home Scipio defeated Hannibal, took Carthage, won Second Punic War Scipio The Romans had defeated Carthage, but it did not destroy the city as many citizens had wanted.
CARTAGO DELINDA ES!!! Huge losses of Second Punic War remained in memories of many Romans… 149 BC Rome decided to destroy old enemy once and for all Declared war on Carthage for third time After siege of three years, Carthage fell Romans enslaved entire population, completely destroyed city They banned any people from living there
THE CONQUEST OF THE EAST Punic Wars raged in western republic; Rome involved in politics of eastern Mediterranean Hellenistic kingdoms of Macedonia, Persia, and Egypt fought constantly; Greek city-states feared being conquered City-states sought alliance with Rome Romans, Greek allies fought, and defeated Macedonia, Persia Both became Roman provinces Eventually Romans annexed Greece as province as well Romans adopted many elements of Greek culture, particularly art Macedonia, Persia Romans also borrowed ideas of religion from Greeks, adopted their gods but changed the names Not all Romans happy with growing Greek influence, thought Rome should remain purely Roman Influence continued for many years Greek Culture
How did Rome come to dominate the Mediterranean world? Consolidation: How did Rome come to dominate the Mediterranean world? Answer(s): by conquering its Mediterranean neighbors, including Carthage and Greece