Legislation vs regulation
Legislation A law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament
Regulation An official rule or the act of controlling something.
Relationship between them The similarities between the legislation and regulation is that the they are both laws or rules that individuals have to follow. A regulation is a specific requirement within a legislation that institutions like the police or laws put in place so that there is social control in society.
Milly dowler case The News of the World contacted Surrey Police on 13 April 2002 to say it had information from Milly's voicemail. The report had Milly's messages for the focus of the investigation to find Milly and to bring her killer to justice. However, senior officers would or should have been aware of the News of the World's illegal actions and the matter of phone hacking should have been revisited and investigated at a later stage. The force said that in 2002 the phrase phone hacking had not been adopted and no-one knew the technique was being used illegally by some newspapers to get stories. July 2011 News of the World is closed down by Rupert Murdoch in the wake of the Milly Dowler phone hacking revelations. Levenson inquiry - it was established in result of the phone-hacking scandal at the News of the World tabloid. It looked at the relationship between the press and the public, including phone-hacking and other potentially illegal behaviour, and at the relationships between the press and the police and the press and politicians.
This case influenced the legislation – Leveson inquiry - for the Milly Dowler case because the New of the World hacked into Milly’s phone without permission and used the information they found to sell stories for their own benefit and didn’t take into consideration for the girls privacy and to bring her family justice. For the future there should be a regulation created against phone hacking in relations to the to the press and the public, as the was no law against phone hacking at the time that the big corporations to follow.