Baku, Azerbaijan, 24-27 September 2013 Future activities on energy statistics UNSD Ilaria DiMatteo 8th Oslo group meeting Baku, Azerbaijan, 24-27 September 2013
Four main components of UNSD’s work Technical cooperation/assistance to countries Data collection/dissemination Methodological work Coordination/cooperation with other international/regional organizations
Technical assistance to countries Organization of Workshops covering the various stages of the statistical production process (e.g. institutional framework, data collection and data compilation, energy balances, data dissemination) Development of standard training modules for workshops and online materials Fostering sharing of country practices (knowledge base platform for energy statistics)
Data collection/dissemination We are revising (almost completed) our UNSD questionnaire to align it with IRES and harmonize it with the IEA/Eurostat/ECE questionnaire Future work Explore possibilities for facilitate country data submission using SDMX Improve data dissemination on the web through, for example, the use of interactive tools
Methodological work Continue the work on improving the links between CPC and SIEC Prepare a small publication on SIEC where the correspondence with other classifications is further elaborated Once the ESCM is completed, identify areas which may need additional and more detailed guidance (renewable energy sources, measurement units, etc.) Explore links between energy statistics to other statistical domains
Coordination with other organizations Continue our participation in InterEnerStat, Oslo Group, JODI Coordinate activities (training, data collection, etc.) with partner organizations IEA, IAEA, Eurostat…
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