Religious Roles and Impact on Society By: Sam Jansma
Refugees Coming to America Many Refugees came to America to escape the countries that persecuted them. Puritans are an example of these refugees. They wanted to escape the Catholic Church in England. Beginning in 1630, about 20000 Puritans came to America to Worship as they pleased. Most of them settled in New England.
Quakers Believed in a direct relationship with God. found a haven in Rhode Island which had religious tolerance for them. William Penn - founded Pennsylvania and Quakerism flourished there. helped in the Underground Railroad Against slavery, poverty, mistreatment of Native Americans and horrible prison conditions.
Great Awakening 1734 Jonathan Edwards believed that the Colonies were becoming too concerned with Earthly matters. This caused the First Great Awakening or Religious revival. George Whitefield was a dramatic preacher New Light preachers started schools such as Princeton. Old Light preachers didn't want any part of this.
2nd Great Awakening 1800 Before the Revolution the great majority of people were congregationalists and Anglicans, but by 1800 the Baptists and Methodists were becoming quite popular. It is best known for its Camp Meetings which led to many conversions and enthusiastic preaching and audience participation. More woman and African American participation in Religion than ever before.
Separation of Church and State Thomas Jefferson's Presidency - opposed government support of prayer, fasting, and thanksgiving. Wrote the Virginia's Statute for Religious Freedom which ended all state supported religion in Virginia. The Constitution does not state anything about the Separation of Church and State but was brought on my Thomas Jefferson.
1st Amendment The 1st Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" The Government may not establish an official church People may worship as they want
Temperance Movement Women and Religion worked together in the Temperance Movement. 18th Amendment- Prohibition in America The 21st Amendment revoked the 18th.
Civil Rights Movement Martin Luther King Jr. taught of Non-Violent Protests. Malcolm X led a more aggressive movement during the Civil Rights Movement. Muslim who after making the pilgrimage to Mecca came back a more peaceful man. Because of this, his own people killed him.
Cold War Revivals 1950's "In God we trust, and one nation under God" was added to the U.S. currency and the pledge of alligence. People were hungry for Religion in the 60's and 70's The lower class believed that this life is temporary.
Pro-life V. Pro-Choice The issue of abortion is closely related to a person's religious views. Important Supreme Court Cases on Abortion Roe V. Wade (1973) -Abortion is legalized, woman have the right to privacy in deciding if they can end a pregnancy. Webster V. Repro Health Services (1989) - Must wait 24 weeks. (restriction on abortion) Planned Parenthood V. Casey (1992) - allows the states to enact laws such as parent consent for minors, or requiring pre-abortion counselling.
Conservative President Policies One thing on Jimmy Carters Platform was that he was a born again Christian, which helped him get elected into office. Ronald Reagan wanted to make people less dependent on the government against feminism and pro-choice
Conclusion In Conclusion, Religion and the roles in society played a large part in American History. It was why many people came to America in the first place. It also helped with the Temperance and Civil Rights Movement. It also plays a role in the selection of a political party. Today, we enjoy the freedom of practicing whatever religion we desire and not being forced to follow one national religion.