Work Patterns in an Urban Poor Churchplant


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Presentation transcript:

Work Patterns in an Urban Poor Churchplant © Viv Grigg, Aug 2003

Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things The Masses only a few people are creative innovators, others need a pattern to follow The Nature of Ideas Simple ideas, simple progressions. Since most urban poor people are semi-literate, communication needs be oral, story-based The Multiplication of Ideas Simple communication through music, simple story teaching and prayer for the sick and demonised. Story-telling What movement leaders need to do in each culture – develop a pattern of 30 chronological stories from the scriptures that cover the foundations of the faith, then clusters of six stories each for initial follow up and discipleship.

Work Patterns for a Churchplant Present No. or Future Start Date What to do Contacts Cells Converts Celebration Congregation Community transformation

Evangelism Workflow Style of Evang What you will do? Target Date Priority Presence At the school On the sports field or …. Prayer Evang Bless People Power Proclamation Public Literature Radio, Jesus Film Evangelism Workflow Fill in steps you can take Prioritise them 1,2,3, Decide on dates to start 9/21/2018

Four Seasons Work Flow & Teaching Plan For each of the Four Seasons define the topics you will teach, and put them in order Decide on which bible books, passages you will use or which bible study materials Decide on which cultural value or story you will begin each study with Decide on how you will intersperse these with social events (3 weeks? 4 weeks, 6 weeks, celebration events?)

Your Season of Growth Teaching Topics Biblical Passage Cultural Proverb or Story Social Events

Topics in Security Understanding Gospel Relationship with God Who is God The Cross Certainty of Salvation Forgiveness Repentance The Holy Spirit Healing and Delivered Basics of Christian Living Authority of God’s Word Getting in word (hear, read, study, memorize, meditate) Learning to pray (Adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication) Quiet Time Relationship with God Gods nature (Love, faithfulness, grace, holiness etc) Identity in Christ Hearing God’s Voice Obedience Holiness Relationship with believers Worship Confession Love and Fellowship Tithing Witnessing

Scriptures on Security Relationship with God Gods nature (Love, faithfulness, grace, holiness etc) Identity in Christ Hearing God’s Voice Obedience Holiness Relationship with believers Worship Confession Love and Fellowship Tithing Witnessing John 16:9-13 John 10:1-18 John 8:31-32 John 16:1-7, 14-16 John 13:34,35 11 Cor 8,1-10

Scripture on Security Understanding Gospel Basics of Christian Living Who is God The Cross Certainty of Salvation Forgiveness Repentance The Holy Spirit Healing and Delivered Basics of Christian Living Authority of God’s Word Getting in word (hear, read, study, memorize, meditate) Learning to pray (Adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication) Quiet Time John 1;12,13, 3:16 John 1:1-10 John 6:35-40; 10:1-17 John 4: 1-26 John 3:5-8 John 14: 16; 16: 7-15 John 5:8,9 Josh 1:8, John 8:31 Josh 1:8; Rev 1:3, John 15:7,16; 14:26 Daniel 6:10; 10:3

Topics in Commitment Phase Spiritual Discipleship Separation from sin Overcoming sin Confession and Repentance Word as food and authority Dedication Systematic Prayer Holiness Social Discipleship Caring for Needy Witnessing Forgiveness Commitment to church in love and unity Social Relationships: purity, Economic Discipleship Productivity Creativity Work and Rest Stewardship Debts Ownership Care for the Environment Wisdom Discipleship Family relationships Engagement with the Community

Topics in Quality Phase Leadership God’s Calling Leadership Qualities Team Leadership Cell Leadership Roles of Deacon/Elder Family Priorities Provision Unity of Decision-making, life Discipline of Children Character Fruits of the Spirit Beatitudes Ministry Skills Caring for Needy Counseling Evangelism Discipleship

Hesslegrave’s Pauline cycle is a good basis for thinking through issues at each step in the Churchplant. This Slide shows step 5 In the progression.

References on Workflow Grigg, Viv 2004 Cry of the Urban Poor, London: Authentic, chaps 13,14. Hesselgrave, David J., 1997 Planting Churches Cross-Culturally. Michigan; Grand Rapids.