Some history…
2014: Marty Heesacker, past-chair of CCPTP at AASCB 2013-14: Arpana Inman, Chair Elect, oversight of Master’s Training 08/2014: Meeting between Div 17, CCPTP, and ACA Advocacy started for MPCAC 12/2014: Mobley (Div 17 President); Inman (CCPTP Chair) had conversation w/ Nadine Kaslow (APA President) & Barry Anton, APA President Elect) about need for APA to address master’s training 05/2014: Summit 1: Formation of Alliance for Professional Counselors (APC) – Dallas; 10/2014: Summit 2: Baltimore 03/2015: Continued talks with ACA President, Robert Smith; and talks with CACREP CEO: Carol Bobby 03/2015: Formation of CMCTP; 1st conjoint conference in San Diego 12/2016: APA Master’s Summit 08/2017: APA COR decides to explore Master’s Issue 03/2018: Upcoming COR meeting to address Master’s Training
CACREP endorses AMCHA, NBCC, AASCB, ACES portability Statement 11/17 Any counselor licensed at the highest level of licensure for independent practice available in his or her state may obtain licensure in any other state or territory of the US if all the following criteria are met: Licensee has engaged in ethical practice, no disciplinary sanctions, for at least 5 years from date of application for licensure endorsement. Licensee has possessed the highest level of counselor licensure for independent practice for at least 3 years from date of application for licensure endorsement. Licensee has completed jurisprudence or equivalent exam if required by state regulatory body. The licensee complies with ONE of the following: Meets all academic, exam, and post-graduate supervised experience standards as adopted by the state counseling licensure board. Holds the National Certified Counselor (NCC) credential, in good standing, as issued by the (NBCC). Holds a graduate-level degree from a program accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP).
ACA Portability Statement 07/17 A counselor who is licensed at the independent practice level in their home state and who has no disciplinary record shall be eligible for licensure at the independent practice level in any state or U.S. jurisdiction in which they are seeking residence. The state to which the licensed counselor is moving may require a jurisprudence examination based on the rules and procedures of that state The model emphasizes collaboration among state licensure boards—leading to full licensure in one state being recognized by other states—and respects all licensed professional counselors despite year and date of licensure
Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) 02/17 In 2016, CACREP established a requirement of minimum of 60 semester credit hours or 90 quarter credit hours for entry level counselor preparation programs. Due to concerns of being able to meet this requirement by 2020, deadline has been extended to 2023
American Association of State Counseling Boards (AASCB) denied affiliate membership to CCPTP and MPCAC Passed a motion to eliminate the individual membership category of “others with an interest in the counseling profession” Outside organizations can be a “distraction” Did not respond to MPCAC’s request for sponsoring table/event as done in previous 2 years
YET…THOSE THAT OPPOSE CACREP ONLY Alabama Alaska Arkansas Florida Hawaii Idaho Massachusetts Maryland Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Oregon Oklahoma New Jersey New York Pennsylvania South Carolina Virginia (withdrew proposal to make CACREP a requirement in Nov 2017) Texas Utah Virginia Board is wholly in favor of CACREP – this was stopped at the level of the governor, in response to advocacy from people like us and largely because of opposition by George Mason U. (Fred Bemak). They are certain to try again. I’m sure this is a priority for Gerard Lawson in his year of ACA president. Here’s my complete list of states not in favor of CACREP – Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Massachuseetts (I think), Minnesota, Mississippi, Texas, Maryland, Hawaii, New Jersey, California. I believe I remember South Dakota not being in favor (in hotel lobby conversation that I listened to as you spoke with them in 2017,
APA – MARCH 2018 Will ask COR for authorization to go ahead and develop detailed plan for accreditation of Master’s in Psychology. Committee will be composed of more than psychologists so as to reflect the actual demographics and issues for master’s training. The new 501c6 APA institute of Psychology along with SPTA’s will be charged with advocacy efforts
Committee on Advancement of Professional Practice (CAPP), APA Lindsey Buckman, Chair of CAPP led a discussion on current deliberations by APA Council of Representatives related to Master’s degree. Questions and concerns discussed: a) need for delineation between doctoral‐level psychologists and individuals with master’s degrees; b) implications for future of doctoral‐level psychologists in marketplace; c) options for APA re: accreditation of terminal master’s programs in psychology Following discussion, CAPP took the following action: CAPP considers this to be a matter of urgency! As such, CAPP endorses the CEO’s recommendation maintenance of status quo is not a viable option. Action needs to be taken on this matter of master’s in psychology program accreditation. Dr. Nordal reviewed information presented to Council representatives (through webinars) in preparation for the upcoming discussions that will take place in March at the APA Council of Representatives meetings.
MPCAC Established in 2011 Revised standards to merge both counseling and psychology Currently close to 50 accredited programs in 23 states; 23 in preapplication stage; 10 in review CHEA currently revising its standards and not accepting applications MPCAC has joined ASPA (Association of specialized programs and accreditations – association for all accrediting bodies. Developing training to train site visitors and for self-study 11 board members; 15-18 site visitors
What do we need to do? Retain Inclusive Licensure Criteria Find out Who is on your licensing board; Process of appointment to licensing boards at state level If your state board is a member of AASCB Assess and monitor position on CACREP accreditation Bring concerns about CACREP only movement and implications for public health access Arpana, My thought is that we need to find out the process in each state for appointment to licensing boards, and get our people (our former students, perhaps, or colleagues) ONTO the licensing boards. We were successful in doing this in Maryland last summer; 40% of our Board is new this year, and two are people who have worked with us on inclusivity …. Boards turn over; people need to be aware of how this works in each state. I want to suggest that CMCTP takes the lead on forming state and regional groups to work toward this. CCPTP could certainly help ….
What more do we need to do? Contact your University government affairs/other administrators Educate them Seek their advocacy Have your Dean’s speak to other Deans within state and across Need to be involved at local level (state counseling association) Yes – we need to stress that George Mason’s advocacy was really important in stopping the Virginia Board’s desired changes