Institutional Committee Recommendations Glenn stokes; Interim associate provost for faculty and judicial affairs
New (Old) Committee Assignment System Most committees have a 1-year appointment Google Form with all committee vacancies First through third choice Option for leadership
Deactivate the Developments and Improvements Committee Charge To analyze and make recommendations for improvement of the campus plan of streets, grounds, lighting, buildings and activity (Concerns include parking, signage, traffic flow, beautification, function, future growth, space redesign, and allocation.) To help identify and assist in prioritizing improvements to the campus through its reports to the vice president for business and finance
Deactivate the Developments and Improvements Committee The DIC has met only twice since 2009. Most of the stated charges of the committee have been subsumed into the activities of other committees or have been rendered moot. The committee has met and recommended their own termination. The remaining charges of the committee can easily be included in the overlapping charge of the Facilities and Safety Committee.
Create a Faculty Awards and Recognition Committee Charge Consider recommendations for new awards or for terminating existing awards Develop policies for selection of individual awards Solicit nominations for each of the awards in their charge
Create a Faculty Awards and Recognition Committee Membership 2 Faculty from each academic college and 1 from the libraries Representatives from within colleges will be from different departments Associate Provost for Faculty and Judicial Affair Non-voting, ex-officio chair
Intercollegiate Athletics Council (IAC) Current Committee (Athletics Committee) Charge The Athletics Committee appropriates the student athletic budget and oversees the distribution of its funds. Has only met to consider changes in Athletics Fee Membership (1 year terms) 5 Faculty 5 Students 4 Ex-officio Athletic Director VP for University Advancement Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) Assist. AD for Business Operations
Intercollegiate Athletics Council (IAC) Proposed Membership 2 Faculty from each academic college (2-year staggered terms) 2 Representatives from the Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC) President plus one of the other gender (2-year staggered terms) 6 Students selected by the SGA (1-year terms) Ex-officio (non-voting) FAR is the chair Director of Athletics Senior Women’s Administrator (SWA) Provost
Intercollegiate Athletics Council (IAC) Advisory to the President Monitor compliance Receive and review reports on student athlete performance (academic and athletic) Review and provide advise on policies in athletics Make recommendations on new NCAA legislation Participate in the ISSG (Institutional Self Study Guide