Jobhunting in Finland How to Manage?
Work in Finland Finland is one of best places in the world to live and work. The Finnish labour market and Finland’s workplaces operate on a foundation of equality and fairness. | 21.9.2018
Before moving to Finland Job seeking abroad requires more time and preparations than job seeking in your native country. Before you move to Finland, carefully familiarise yourself with Finnish working life and customs so that you will be able to adapt to the change and take care of matters as smoothly as possible. Your move will be more comfortable if you are properly informed. | 21.9.2018
Make sure your permit matters are in order passport or official EU identity card A citizen of the EU, Liechtenstein, Switzerland or the Nordic countries, no need for a residence permit in order to be able to work, study or start a business in Finland make sure that the necessary registrations are in order when you arrive in Finland. Other country - you will have to apply for a residence permit for an employed person while still in your country of origin. You must have a job in Finland before you can be granted the permit A residence permit for an employed person is valid in one or several occupational sectors. The permit is either temporary or continuous | 21.9.2018
When in Finland Take care of any necessary registrations Enter into an employment contract Open a bank account Find out about tax matters Apply for a tax card at the local tax office Remember occupational safety Improve your language skills | 21.9.2018
Is your qualification eligble in Finland? In many jobs, it is enough that your employer finds your professional competence suitable. If the qualifications required in a profession are laid down by law, you will need a decision on the recognition of your qualifications Professions that require a recognition decision can be found in health care and teaching, for instance In some fields, you will be required to acquire a pass or card in order to prove your proficiency in a certain area Before acquiring a pass or a card, you usually participate in training that ends with the actual test. The tests are usually subject to a fee. | 21.9.2018
Application, CV and interview Tailor your application and CV for each job you apply for. Explain how you meet the selection criteria and what your strengths would be in the available position Write a comprehensive, one-page application and accompany it with your CV Your CV should contain your personal and contact details and a summary of your educational background and work history Make sure, however, that your CV does not become too long Carefully prepare for interviews. Find out information about the employer in advance and think about questions you could ask about the employer or the job during the interview | 21.9.2018
Find out the terms and conditions of employment As an employee, the same terms and conditions of employment and occupational safety requirements apply to you as to Finnish employees. You have the right to pay and other terms of employment that comply with the collective agreement and protection provided by law perform your work carefully and observe the instruction obligation also for keeping business and trade secrets | 21.9.2018
Tips for finding a job! Always read the instructions how to apply for a job! Be active Be flexible Use many different channels to look for work Make sure that you have good jobseeking skills and that your documents up to date Training or a work try-out could open doors to an interesting job Make sure that your vocational skills and competence are up to date Use the social media to find a job Have you considered starting a business as one option for finding work? | 21.9.2018
Employment and business services are provided under the Act on Public Employment and Business Service Employment and Economic Development Offices (TE Offices) offer services to unemployed, those who are currently working or entering the working life as well as employers. There are total of 15 regional TE Offices with over 100 outlets all over Finland. TE Offices offer individual customer service and Internet based services that jobseekers and employers can use on their own. Individual clients are offered services in the areas of job seeking, career planning, occupational rehabilitation and entrepreneurship. TE Office gives advice also on applying for unemployment benefits and provides support for accessing to employment in different ways. For employers TE Office offers for example recruiting and training services and advice when reduction of personnel is needed | 21.9.2018
Customer oriented and open Clear-cut and versatile services for individual customers and companies, organisations and other employer customers Effective, adequate and consistent services of a uniform standard throughout the country Ever improving possibilities of using the services online, on the telephone or face to face, whatever suits the customer best. | 21.9.2018
Open vacancies service in Finland ( | 21.9.2018
CV-netti service for jobseekers As a jobseeker, you can place your own advertisement in the free CV-netti service provided by the employment and economic development services. You do not have to be unemployed, or even a TE Office customer to do so. The service is available for all jobseekers: those wishing to change jobs, students, the unemployed and those entering working life for the first time. You will need an online banking identification code to submit a jobseeker's ad. Identification is required to protect your personal data | 21.9.2018
Employment and Business Services Particular tasks Assessing and analysing the customer's service needs Employment services Personnel development Services related to lay-offs and redundancies Services for new entrepreneurs and enterprise development services Cooperation in partner networks Coordination of cooperation with companies, organisations and other employers | 21.9.2018
Use many different channels to look for work In addition to the TE Office, try - papers and company websites - recruitment sites on the Internet, private recruitment companies and CV databases - recruitment events and fairs - your network of family and friends, including your old colleagues - getting in touch with companies directly – submit an open application or ask for a meeting | 21.9.2018
Use the social media to find a job Employers also look for employees in the social media – especially for expert positions. By making efficient use of the social media, you may stand out from other candidates. Consider which media would allow you to reach the employers you are interested in most efficiently. Also consider what others can find out about you through the social media Create and take care of your profiles and social media personality in: LinkedIn profile, update! Facebook, take care of your information! Create introduction video to Youtube for example! Create your own blog or website – plenty of free platforms available! | 21.9.2018
EURES – European Employment Services The purpose of EURES is to provide information, advice and recruitment/placement (job-matching) services for the benefit of workers and employers as well as any citizen wishing to benefit from the principle of the free movement of persons. EURES has a human network of more than 850 EURES advisers that are in daily contact with jobseeker and employers across Europe | 21.9.2018
Multichannel Employment and Business Services 21.9.2018
Employment and business services as an expert service Online offers individual customers and employers information and a channel for versatile service use offers companies or those interested in starting a company information about enterprising and public business services, as well as possibilities of using online services | 21.9.2018
Employment and business services as an expert service At the branch offices The facilities concept supports the provision of multi-channel TE services Face to face On the telephone By video link Through expert work where the customer is not present NB! As a rule, an appointment must be made to use the customer services. However, at least one of the branches in a TE Office's operating area must be open for service use without an appointment from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. | 21.9.2018
Unemployment rates by administrative districts 27. 1 Unemployment rates by administrative districts 27.1.2016 (finnish labour administrations rates, not Eurostats official rates) | 21.9.2018
Labour market information - Top workers/professional in demand Doctors Therapists Dentists Special education teachers Sales experts Nurses and special healthcare professionals Social work experts / early education Cleaning Seasonal work (agriculture, services) | 21.9.2018
Labour market information - Top 15 workers/professional oversupplied Secretaries / office work Clothing industry Graphic designers Advertising specialists Editors/journalists Printing Electronics ! Variation between regions! | 21.9.2018
Labour market information New vacancies open mostly in small companies Summerjobs / Seasonal jobs open for application from December until end of summer Most of new vacancies start with temporary work contract Recruitment companies / staffing services have great role in Finnish labour market – a path for more permanent jobs Recruitment companies also obey Finnish conditions and terms of employment – keep your mind open! | 21.9.2018
Seasonal work Seasonal jobs only provide work for part of the year. Short-term seasonal jobs are available around the year. Students are typically employed as substitute workers during summer holidays, or as seasonal help in the commercial sector around Christmas. Major seasonal employers include tourism centres in Lapland in the winter and archipelago resorts in the summer. Berry-picking on horticultural farms is also available in the summer. Go to the Avoimet työpaikat (Vacancies) service, give summer job as the search term, enter 3–12 months as the job duration and set geographical limits for your search. | 21.9.2018
Regional Employment and Business Services 21.9.2018
Regional TE services Uusimaa ELY Centre and TE Office Southwest Finland ELY Centre and TE Office Satakunta ELY Centre and TE Office Häme ELY Centre and TE Office Pirkanmaa ELY Centre and TE Office Southeast Finland ELY Centre and TE Office South Savo ELY Centre and TE Office North Savo ELY Centre and TE Office North Karelia ELY Centre and TE Office Central Finland ELY Centre and TE Office South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre and TE Office Ostrobothnia ELY Centre and TE Office Northern Ostrobothnia ELY Centre and TE Office Kainuu ELY Centre and TE Office Lapland ELY Centre and TE Office | 21.9.2018
Kiitos! Thank you!