A Streetcar named desire Scene 5 Ian Yule
The unravelling begins … Stanley hints that he knows something: “… this somebody named Shaw is under the impression that he met you in Laurel, but I figure he must have got you mixed up with some other party because this other party is someone he met at a hotel called the Flamingo.”
Blanche admits something of her past to Stella: “ … I’ve run for protection, Stella, from under one leaky roof to another leaky roof – because it was storm – all storm, and I was – caught in the centre …. People don’t see you – men don’t – don’t even admit your existence unless they are making love to you.” - reveals her fragility - her need to be recognised and admired
The white shirt Stella pours coke into Blanche’s glass and it spills over and stains her shirt Blanche gives a piercing cry (Stage Dir) - is the stain a symbol of Blanche’s lost innocence - is it a reminder of her husband’s bloody end?
The young man A young man comes round collecting for a local newspaper “You make my mouth water” “I want to kiss you – just once – softly and sweetly on your mouth” “I’ve got to be good and keep my hands off children” - this scene reveals her sexual greed - her inability to control her sexual emotions - hints that she may have been formally warned in the past