your program benefits: LOGO YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Understanding your program benefits: work-life
WHAT ARE EMPLOYEE SUPPORT BENEFITS? Balancing the competing demands of work and family life can be a very difficult and frustrating task. Your employer understands this and has added a new benefit that provides a little extra support to manage life’s frequent challenges. Work-Life Services are: Confidential Available around-the-clock every day of the year Free to employees and their covered dependents Accessible by: toll-free telephone: [ insert phone number ] on-line: [ insert web address ] [ insert ID ] [ insert password ] YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
WHAT ARE EMPLOYEE SUPPORT BENEFITS? Work-Life Services include: Consultation with a Work-Life professional Referral to local providers and national services Comprehensive resource library of materials Easy-to-use website YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
WHAT ARE EMPLOYEE SUPPORT BENEFITS? Our Work-Life Consultants are experts in their field. Each has received specialized training to provide you with the best and most knowledgeable service available Consultation • Access to Work-Life experts for advice and referral - by telephone - by LiveCONNECTsm - web-based instant messaging - by e-mail • Available in English and Spanish • Consultants are available 24/7 to help you find the resources and services you need for: Child Care Elder Care Education Wellness Adoption Daily Living YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
WHAT ARE EMPLOYEE SUPPORT BENEFITS? Referrals Confirmed and matched to your unique needs— each provider is called to confirm services and vacancies Detailed information on services offered and fees Delivered, on average, within 12 business hours— 6 business hours for emergency requests Delivered by email, fax, mail—your choice YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
WHAT RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE? A large collection of useful and authoritative resources to support your request: Provider profiles Tip sheets Check lists Handbooks Spanish-language materials And much more YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
WHAT IS THE ONLINE SERVICE? The online service includes: Regularly updated information and links Self-search provider databases for summer camps, education resources, pet sitters, attorneys, financial advisors, volunteer opportunities, and legal and medical encyclopedias Downloadable articles and tips sheets Financial and daily living calculators Savings Center providing 25% to 70% discounts on name-brand merchandise Spanish-language content YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
CHILD CARE YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Finding care options for children can be a time-consuming and confusing process. Locating providers and then understanding how to assess the care offered can feel genuinely overwhelming. Consultation and Referrals for: Day Care Centers Family Day Care Homes Back-Up Care Sick Child Care Nanny Agencies Lactation Support Summer Camps Adoption Public and Private Schools Tutors and much more YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
ADULT CARE YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Serving as a caregiver for an elder family member or friend is not a simple job. Most of us are unprepared for the magnitude of the responsibility and are unaware of where to turn for assistance and support. Consultation and Referrals for: Assisted Living Facilities Nursing Homes Adult Day Care Programs Caregiver Support Retirement Communities Elder Hostels Meals On Wheels Programs Home Safety Elder Driving Geriatric Care Managers Hospice and much more YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
EDUCATION YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Whether you are moving to a new community and looking for new schools for your elementary and high school age children or starting the college process with your 17 year old, the choices can be overwhelming Consultation and Referrals for: Preschools Public and Private Schools K-12 Tutors Colleges and Universities Technical Schools Continuing Education Adult Education Classes and much more YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
DAILY LIVING YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Your to-do list is long enough already. Our daily living experts can help with research assistance, resources, and referrals for these and other topics: Consultation and Referrals for: Pet Sitters Apartment Support Caterers Consumer Information Travel Information Wedding Planners Home Helpers Plumbers and much more YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
HEALTH AND WELLNESS YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Taking care of your health is an important part of work-life balance. Let us help you find the right programs and services to fit into your busy schedule. Consultation and Referrals for: Fitness Centers Aerobics Classes Fitness Instructors Fitness Equipment Nutritionists Personal Health Coaches Smoking Cessation Support Weight-Loss Programs Complementary Medicine and much more YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
LEGAL AND FINANCIAL: YOUR LEGAL SERVICE Access to a consultation of up to 30 minutes with a telephonic or local, in-person attorney. Meetings with in-person attorneys are scheduled; meetings with telephonic attorneys are often immediate. Consultation consists of an analysis of the situation and advice on how to proceed. There is no document review or creation during this free consultation. If the employee chooses to retain the referred attorney, he or she receives a 25% discount off the attorney’s hourly fee in most cases. YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM What is covered? Covered Issues: Family Law, Criminal, Bankruptcy, Adoption, Elder Care/Wills/Trusts/Estate Planning, Consumer Issues Excluded Issues: Employment as it relates to employees and family members, one’s own business, class action lawsuits, taxes
LEGAL AND FINANCIAL: YOUR FINANCIAL SERVICE Access to free over-the-phone only financial counseling and education on a variety of issues related to consumer debt and budgeting Excluded Issues: No tax issues No counseling, advice or comparison of specific financial services or products YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
ID RECOVERY YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM ID Recovery is a telephonic consultation service to help you recover from, and minimize the impact of, a breach of your identity. Provides victims a 30-minute consultation with an identity recovery professional The professional will assess the situation, create an action plan, and provide consultation on implementing the plan Reduces time spent repairing compromised credit history Restores peace-of-mind, while helping undo the damage YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
LEGAL ASSIST YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Legal Assist provides access to qualified legal advice and counsel, either by phone or in person, as determined by your need. Consultations are free, half-hour phone or in-person sessions with an attorney qualified to handle your issue There is no limit to the number of times you can use the service for different issues Coverage is available in all 50 states In most cases you receive a 25% discount from your referred in-person attorney’s hourly fee if you require his or her representation Telephonic attorneys cannot self-refer, so you are assured unbiased advice Valuable legal resources can be located online at YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
FINANCIAL ASSIST YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Financial Assist provides access, either by phone or in person, to qualified financial advisors to help you with your need. Counselors address issues via a toll-free information line, and follow up by mailing supporting educational materials Additionally, advisors are available without an appointment Monday through Friday, or through pre-scheduled Saturday sessions Advice is objective and pressure-free All counselors are knowledgeable in a wide range of financial topics Financial resources can be located online at YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
SAVINGS CENTER YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM The Savings Center is a member benefit that allows you to save time and money with great discounts redeemable online, through catalogs, and select in-store merchants. To take advantage of these discounts, log on to, and click on the Savings Center in the right-hand column of the home page Use the company code Advantage to register The program offers a wide array of discounts from leading name-brand retailers Save on entertainment with discount movie and event tickets Enjoy savings of up to 25% YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
NURSELINE YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Staffed by Registered Nurses, Nurseline is available around-the-clock to provide medical advice and information Calls are answered by a Medical Service Representative (MSR) who will document your issue and screen for emergencies Callers with life-threatening emergencies are directed to call 911, or to proceed to the nearest emergency room Non-emergency calls are returned by a Registered Nurse with an average of 19 years of professional experience The nurse can assist you with your questions and concerns, provide information, and will encourage you to seek appropriate medical assistance if necessary YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
CARE COACH YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Care Coach provides a way to hold a telephonic family meeting with a qualified Geriatric Care Manager (GCM), who conducts a detailed interview of family members, and helps establish a geriatric care plan that family members can agree upon. Access one of our Consultants by calling 000-000-0000 All interested family members are invited to join the care conference by way of a special toll-free conference call-in number The GCM conducts a series of assessments to identify challenges, and to determine which available resources can be of help All aspects of the elder family member’s current condition are discussed The GCM creates a care plan document for the family members to follow YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
GERIATRIC CARE ASSIST YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM This service provides a comprehensive, in-person assessment by a professional Geriatric Care Manager (GCM) to help determine the specific needs of your elder or loved one The GCM is qualified to assess the health and safety of the living conditions for the older adult To schedule an on-site visit, call the toll-free number The GCM can evaluate the current situation, as well as provide a facility review of any accommodations you may be considering for future care The GCM completes a detailed assessment, and provides you with a written report, along with recommendations and referrals for care Assessments are professional and objective YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT A Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is completed online to quickly and easily assess your individual health status. Categories evaluated include Heart Health, Nutrition, Weight Management, Fitness, Cancer Risk, Smoking, Stress and Safety The process is secure and confidential The assessment identifies your major health and lifestyle factors Recommendations are then generated to help you create fitness goals to maintain better overall health Your assessment will also help you make lifestyle changes that can decrease your risk of disease, illness and accidents YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
WELLNESS COACHING YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM Wellness Coaching delivers—through phone or web—professional health coaching adapted to your fitness goals Unlimited use of the service, which provides coaching and referrals Wellness objectives often include weight management, smoking cessation, stress management, exercise coaching, and pre- and post-natal care Coaching is provided by health and fitness professionals Confidential one-on-one coaching is provided via instant messaging Wellness resources, referrals, tip sheets and interactive modules can be located online at YOUR EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM
ACHIEVING BALANCE THROUGH TOTAL WELL-BEING Always Available. Always Confidential. TOLL-FREE: 800-000-000 TTD/TTY: 800-000-000 E-MAIL: enteryouremail@eapwebaddress.url WEBSITE: www.eapwebaddress.url USERNAME: username PASSWORD: password