A COST EFFECTIVE, VOICE ACTUATED PROSTHETIC HAND Group3: Angela Elias Ryan Pykor Kiran Kumar Duddu Aymen Talahmeh Hello, my name is __________ and these are my group mates (say names) and we’re group 3. For our group project we will be designing and making a cost-effective, voice-actuated prosthetic hand.
Agenda Introduction Background Prosthesis Timeline Current Prosthetics Specific Aims Grips and Movements Project Modules Methods Voice Recognition 3D printing Actuation Control Unit Materials and Budget Timeline Video References We will start with an introduction on what amputations in the U.S., and then shift to background and current prosthetic hand information. We will then introduce our model and our specific aims. After that, we will delve into the details of our models functionality as well as materials and budget. Finally, we will go through a timeline and a quick video.
Introduction ■ Amputations per year1 ■ Main causes of limb loss1: – 350,000 people in the United States with amputations – 50,000 new amputations per year – 10% of all amputees are 21 years of age or younger – 60% of all amputees are between the ages of 21 and 64 ■ Main causes of limb loss1: – Trauma (77%) – Congenital (8.9%) – Tumor (8.2%) – Disease (5.8%)
Background Cost of prosthetic hand ranges from 4K to 100K USD2. Features that increase cost Cosmetic Higher functionality Materials Others that can benefit from prosthetic hand The hearing impaired Current methods Teletypewriter (TTY) American Sign Language (ASL) The cost of a prosthetic hand changes depending on cosmetic advancement, functionality, and materials used. Amputees are not the only people that can benefit from the hand. The hearing impaired can also benefit from it. Current methods that help the hearing impaired are teletypewriters (TTY) and American Sign Language (ASL). The TTY system is useful but only if both ends of the line have the system. ASL is useful but only if both parties know how to use it.
17th through 19th Centuries The Renaissance Prosthesis Timeline3 424 to 1 B.C 300 B.C - Made of bronze and iron with a wooden core for a mummy Roman Empire - iron shield in place of the hand to return to battle. 476 to 1000 Hand hooks and peg legs Not much functionality 1400s to 1800s More artistic Made of iron, steel, copper, wood 1500s • Gotz von Berlichingen-.Hands were manipulated by setting prosthetic with natural hand and moved by relaxing a series of releases and springs while being suspended with leather straps. • Ambroise Pare – father of modern amputation surgery and prosthetic design, kneeling peg le 17th through 19th Centuries 1696 – Peter Verduyn developed first nonlocking below-knee prosthesis 1800- James Potts designed a prosthesis that had an articulated foot controlled by catgut tendons from the knee to the ankle. Modern Times Wars caused more amputations, which meant higher demand for prosthetics in America Microprocessors, computer chips, and robotics are used to return amputees to previous lifestyles rather than to only provide some functionality. 1500s Mid-to late 1500s The first prosthetic can be dated back to as early as 300 B.C. discovered in Italy. It was made of iron with a wooden core for a mummy. About 200 years later, peg legs and hand hooks were made to add some functionality. It wasn’t until the 1400’s (Renaissance) that the prosthetics began to look like the actual limbs. In the 1500’s, the movement was made more natural (design became more complex). Now we use microprocessors, computer chips, and robotics to give more functionality as well as different materials for more natural appearance.
Current Prosthetics4 ■ There are 2 main types of arm prosthetics: –Transradial ■ Attach below the elbow. –Transhumeral ■ Attach to the upper arm when elbow joint is missing. ■ There are 3 implementations: – Body powered prosthetic – Myo-electric prosthetic – Cosmetic prosthetic ■ Limitations – Heavy and hard to control – Movement not as fluid as human arms and hands – Significant lag time between thoughts and movement – Very simple so amputees have to work harder to get proper movements
Specific Aims ■ Easily Accessible: Cost effective, off-the-shelf materials Open source 3D printing Servo motors, inexpensive microprocessor ■ User Friendly: Voice recognition Simple phrase commands Lightweight ■ Versatile: Achieve multiple configurations and grips (see next slide) ■ Potential for augmentation: Sign language package More sophisticated control methods (eg. myoelectric, pressure sensors in finger tips) We aim to create a prosthetic hand that is easily accessible for children and adults who are unable to fund their prosthetic needs. Ways we can execute that is by using voice recognition to give the hand commands. Moreover, there are open source documents for 3D printing hands. The voice recognition will make the hand user friendly. Also, for future projects, the hand can be customizable to each person's needs. In other words, calibrated for each person's life style. Not only can this hand be used as a prosthetic directly. It can also be used indirectly. The hearing impaired have a hard time with making phone calls. This hand will have the potential to listen to spoken sentences and translate them into American Sign Language (ASL).
Grips and movements Index grip Closed grip Pinch Relaxed Alphabet Press buttons Closed grip Grab larger objects, example door knob Pinch Pick up and move objects Relaxed Back to original position Alphabet Following voice recognition Aid with telephone calls, speaking to a person who is unable to communicate using ASL
Project Modules Voice Recognition Module 3D Hand Printed Mechanical Module Actuation Module Processing and Control Module
Methods User Friendly Our approach to making the prosthetic hand user friendly is primarily by having it respond to voice commands in addition to having a lightweight and durable design. Easy VR specifications: Can support up to 7 languages Supports 21 built-in commands. Supports up to 32 user determined commands Recognizes only programmed user > US English, Italian, Japanese, German, Spanish, and French >DTMF tone generation >Module can be used with any host with an UART interface >Provides a 3.5mm audio output jack suitable for headphones or as a line out >8 ohm speaker output >LED to show feedback during recognition tasks
Methods Easily Accessible The suggested prosthetic design will use the InMoov prosthetic hand model. This design can be edited and changed according to the size of the amputee. Customary size and color Free online model Standard plastic filament Low cost > Inmoov is basically a community where they are trying to build a 3D printed
Methods Versatile Versatile The fingers of the prosthetic hand will have a high degree of dexterity compared to simple prosthetic hands. The movement of the prosthetic limb will be achieved using a servo motor attached to each finger. Coupled with each finger using a fish line. Adequate torque Provides decent precision Continuous range of finger movement Independent movement of each finger Versatile The fingers of the prosthetic hand will have a high degree of dexterity compared to simple prosthetic hands. The movement of the prosthetic limb will be achieved using a servo motor attached to each finger. Coupled with each finger using a fish line. Adequate torque Provides decent precision Continuous range of finger movement Independent movement of each finger
Methods Versatile A high degree of versatility can also be achieved because of the voice actuation principle incorporated in the prosthetic hand. 1- Any number of voice commands can be pre-programmed 2-User can program the robotic hand to do specific pre-defined actions. E.g A- Open Door Knob B- Grab Spherical object C-Click button A high degree of versatility can also be achieved because of the voice actuation principle incorporated in the prosthetic hand. 1- Any number of voice commands can be pre-programmed 2-User can program the robotic hand to do specific pre-defined actions. E.g A- Open Door Knob B- Grab Spherical object C-Click button
Methods Potential for augmentation Potential for augmentation Another aim is to have a prosthetic hand which has a flexible enough design to be able to augment it with different features or modalities. Sign language Application Robotic hand can convert letters to sign language hand poses. Deaf amputes can use prosthetic hand to communicate over phone. Apply different control method Driving modality Grip steering wheel Click touch screen Potential for augmentation Another aim is to have a prosthetic hand which has a flexible enough design to be able to augment it with different features or modalities. Sign language Application Robotic hand can convert letters to sign language hand poses. Deaf amputes can use prosthetic hand to communicate over phone. Apply different control method Driving modality Grip steering wheel Click touch screen
Materials and Budget Component Quantity Cost Arduino Uno5 1 $50 InMoov Printed Hand $100 MG946R digital servo 6 $66 Braided fish line 1/50lb $20 7.2V DC battery6,7 $25 Easy VR Shield8 Epoxy Glue $10 Silicone Finger Tips 5 Total - $331
Timeline Task Deadline Purchase Materials March 3 Print hand March 6 Connect all hardware and fish line to hand March 12 Make list of commands and record March 19 Program movements according to commands March 27 Test hand April 4 Fix accordingly April 11 Final Presentation April 27
References [1] "Statistics on hand and arm loss," Industrial Safety and Hygiene News, 4 February 2014. [Online]. Available: http://www.ishn.com/articles/97844-statistics- on-hand-and-arm-loss. [Accessed February 2017]. [2] "Prosthetic Arm Cost," Cost Helper Health, [Online]. Available: http://health.costhelper.com/prosthetic-arms.html. [Accessed February 2017]. [3] "A Brief History of Prosthetics," Amputee Coalition, November/December 2007. [Online]. Available: http://www.amputee-coalition.org/resources/a-brief- history-of-prosthetics/. [Accessed February 2017]. [4] "The Opti Arm: An optical Interface Prosthetic Device," Blinky and Mud Productions, 2013. [Online]. Available: http://dev.nsta.org/evwebs/1051a/Current_Tech/default.html. [Accessed February 2017]. [5] "Robotlinking Uno Super Learning Kit with Power Supply 9V-1A, LCD, Servo, Prototype for Arduino UNO R3 Including UNO R3 (23 Project)," Amazon, [Online]. Available: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Q2JYOBE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. [Accessed 2017]. [6] "Tenergy 7.2V 3000mAh Flat High Power NiMH Battery Packs w/ Tamiya Connectors for RC Cars," All-Battery, 2017. [Online]. Available: http://www.all- battery.com/72v300mahflatnimhhighpower38adrainratebatterypackswithtamiyaconnectors11204.aspx. [Accessed February 2017]. [7] "Connector/Adaptor: Standard Female Tamiya with 14 AWG Silicon wire (8" inches long) --- RoHS Compliant," Battery Space, 2017. [Online]. Available: http://www.batteryspace.com/Connector/Adaptor-Standard-Female-Tamiya-with-14-AWG-Silicon-wire.aspx. [Accessed February 2017]. [8] "COM-13316," Digi-Key Electronics, 20227. [Online]. Available: http://www.digikey.com/products/en?mpart=COM-13316&v=1568. [Accessed February 2017]. [9] J. Hsu, "Inmoov Hand Introduction," Youtube, 16 December 2014. [Online]. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP9d-cmo_G8. [Accessed February 2017].
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