Outcome: Renaissance Writers and Northern Renaissance The Renaissance
The Writers Influence In 1455 Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. This made writing and distribution of writing and books much easier than writing by hand. 1 Effects of the Printing press: a) allowed for Martin Luther to distribute his ideas about the Catholic Church b) allowed for books, like the Bible, to be written in the language f the people. c) Helped to spread ideas quicker than at any other time in history
Renaissance Writers Changes Renaissance writers wrote for self-expression or to portray the individuality of their subjects- started trends that modern writers still follow Most of the writings used to be accessed only by the elites, now with the printing press everyone could access information. Renaissance society was divided into three estates: 1 Nobility- land owners and people of title like count, lord, or king. Nobles were born not made, they didn’t pay taxes 2 Church Clergy- anyone involved in the church which included the pope and priests, they didn’t pay taxes 3 Peasant and townspeople- this included anyone else, these were the backbone of society and they were taxed heavily
Renaissance society Arranged Marriages Often times many Elites would arrange marriages to strengthen family ties. This was done to keep the elite, family’s elite. Often times this resulted in deformities and inbreeding and incest in families. Dowry Often times families were given a dowry: sum of money a wife’s family would receive upon marriage to a husband. This was a common practice among elites and helped families through tough times by selling their children. Worst examples of inbreeding in families: King Phillip of Spain- so inbred he had an extreme under bite, abnormally large nose and tongue, would drool regularly, and couldn’t speak until he was 8 years old. He died of a brain hemorrhage at 32 years old do to a genetic defect.
Renaissance Writers Dante Many writers followed Dante who wrote in the vernacular Vernacular: Writers wrote in their native language rather than Greek or Latin This could include Italian, German, English, and French Italian poet, writer, theorist, philosopher, and political thinker Born in Florence, Italy Referred to as the “Father of the Italian language” Wrote “The Divine Comedy” Epic poem about Dante’s travels through Hell, Purgatory, & Heaven Broken up into 3 parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradisio
For you gamers out there…
Renaissance Writers Petrarch Sometimes called the father of humanism Humanism- based on study of the classic works of Greece and Rome. Subjects like History, poetry, and philiosophy are today known as the humanities. These are the study of humans and human interactions. Great poet- wrote in both Italian and Latin Wrote sonnets (14 line poems) about a mysterious woman named Laura Little is known of Laura other than she died of plague in 1348
Sonnet about Laura Sonnet 292 The eyes I spoke of once in words that burn, the arms and hands and feet and lovely face that took me from myself for such a space of time and marked me out from other men; the waving hair of unmixed gold that shone, the smile that flashed with the angelic rays that used to make this earth a paradise, are now a little dust, all feeling gone; and yet I live, grief and disdain to me, left where the light I cherished never shows, in fragile bark on the tempestuous sea. Here let my loving song come to a close; the vein of my accustomed art is dry, and this, my lyre, turned at last to tears.
Geoffrey Chaucer Chaucer was the first English writer of the renaissance and he wrote the book “The Canterbury Tales. ” This book gave the blueprint for English writing even today as it was a story of 29 pilgrims and their individual journey to a tomb in England. This story helped later writers tell their individual stories about real life problems and ideas versus just telling stories based off, of Bible tales.
Renaissance Writers Machiavelli Wrote The Prince Explains how a ruler can gain power and keep it in spite of his enemies Said most people are selfish, fickle, and corrupt Not concerned with what was morally right but what was politically effective This may involve misleading your people
Quotes from The Prince “If it’s necessary to hurt people for the good of the state, do it all at once. The people will be angry at first, but will soon forget if their lives improve.”
Quotes from The Prince “Its better to be feared than to be loved, but a leader shouldn’t make the people hate him because that makes them dangerous.”
Quotes from The Prince “A prudent ruler cannot, and must not, honor his word when it places him at a disadvantage. Because men are wretched creatures who would not keep their word to you, you need not keep your word to them.”
Machiavelli in Assassin’s Creed
Northern Renaissance Writers Thomas More- wrote books about utopia- perfect world with no suffering or struggles William Shakespeare
Northern Renaissance Art and Writings of non- Italian renaissance were some of the most influential in history. William Shakespeare- One of the most famous writers in history. He wrote stories and many plays. Plays: Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, and Hamlet His plays are timeless because they are telling stories that don’t age. Shakespeare’s plays have become the basis of movies and stories that are still being written today. (i.e. chick flicks) What kinds of plays: A) stories of epic heros that have a major character flaw B) stories of love lost C) stories of kings and power and how they can lose it
Renaissance Art vs Medieval Art
Renaissance Art vs Medieval Art The changes in Art came about because of experimenting with oil, and new varnish to increase colors and the realness factor. Changes: A) Churches began to have more space for art vs just stained glass windows B) Renaissance art made the image look more real vs medieval art which was flat and didn’t look real
Renaissance Writers Result: Renaissance writers wrote in vernacular and about people and life rather than about God and set many trends that are still used today by modern writers.