Citizen Perceptions of the Third Sector and Social Innovation René Bekkers Dave Verkaik ISTR 12th Conference Center for Philanthropic Studies June 30, 2016 VU University Amsterdam Stockholm
The VU Amsterdam Team René Bekkers – Arjen de Wit – Dave Verkaik – Danique Karamat Ali
What we wanted to know How does volunteering have an impact on social innovation? What do citizens in Europe think of third sector organizations, and the impact of volunteering on social innovation?
Method: secondary data analysis Problem: lack of a single dataset including all relevant factors No data on perceptions of the impact of volunteering on social innovation Eurobarometer 62, 2004 Eurobarometer 75_2, 2011 World Values Survey, 2010-2014 Giving in the Netherlands Panel Survey, 2002-2012
Perceived benefits of the third sector EU citizens perceive the third sector to have a societal impact in a variety of areas, from health care to employment. Also Europeans recognize that volunteering produces a mix of benefits to society and individual participants, through enhanced cohesion, expression of values of solidarity, self-fulfilment and personal development. Social innovation, however, is not clearly visible as one of the benefits of volunteering in these analyses. 17 juni 2016 VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen
European citizens trust third sector organizations
Citizens trust third sector organizations more than government
Development in trust 2004-2012
Results citizen perceptions The proportion of volunteers in a country is not related to the level of trust in third sector organisations in that country Volunteers do have a more positive perception of third sector organisations than non-volunteers, but the difference is not large The number of areas in which volunteers are perceived to have a societal impact is strongly related to a high proportion of volunteering in one country
Volunteering in Europe
Which of the following do you think are the two main benefits from volunteering in the EU? (max 2)
Benefits of volunteering
Not so much for solidarity
More so for social cohesion
And personal development
Volunteers think that they matter
Most strongly for sports
Less so for social inclusion
A stunning non-correlation
Regulation mechanisms Permits for those meeting a set of standards Policing and punishment of rule breakers Perks for good citizens Praising the good kids Preaching good behavior Promise elicitation CONTROL --------------- TRUST 17 juni 2016 VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen
Civil society vs government Data source: World Values Survey, 2012 17 juni 2016 VU Lustrumcongres Scenarios van Besturen