SEPA Sustainable and Equipped Productive Areas 4° Partnership Meeting Gorizia 25 November 2010 Andreea Sava INFORMEST SEPA Management Unit
SEPA Project State of the Art Starting point: LP Change Finalisation of the procedure Next steps: reporting pending periods 2, 3.1, 3.2 Budget changes
SEPA Project State of the Art: Financial Progress (Period 2) Partner Total Budget Accumulated (Per . 2) % Remaining INFORMEST 433.264,81 18356,69 4,24% 414.908,12 BICOFA 246.123,31 11271,84 4,58% 234.851,47 SIB 248.875,31 50836,99 20,43% 198.038,32 CTNC 269.125,31 31003,59 11,52% 238.121,72 BUINK 241.375,31 0,00% VEDA 241.575,31 24332,61 10,07% 217.242,70 PBM 232.840,64 16807,59 7,22% 216.033,05 TOTAL 1.913.180,00 152.609,31 7,98% 1.760.570,69
SEPA Project State of the Art: WP 1 Progress 2009 2010 2011 2012 WP1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 1.1 1.2 1.3 Future Tasks: Improve expenditure capacity of the Project! Improve achievement of OUTPUTS and RESULTS! Improve reporting on Project Implementation! Pay attention to your OUTPUTS and INDICATORS! Send ONLY outputs proofs in ENGLISH!
SEPA Project State of the Art: WP 2 Progress 2009 2010 2011 2012 WP2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Achievements Articles in the press: 24 (target 18) Press conferences: reported 2 Publications produced: brochures 400 Website Future Tasks: improving communication tools and impact of communication activities.
WP 2 Outputs WP 2 Output Indicators Output reached ? WHERE??? ALL No of articles/appearances published in the press and in other media (including online media, TV, radio) 18 Period 6 No of press conferences 8 LP Average of hits per month on the operation’s website 200 No of publications produced – folders 400 No of publications produced – brochures 800 No of national events implemented 16 LP+PP6 No of transnational events implemented 2 LP+ALL No of database created or improved 1 LP + PP6 WHERE??? 400 ready in ENGLISH 100 PRINT BY EACH PP IN LOCAL LANGUAGE B2B/ B2G/ Territorial conference – 2/PP Launch / SEE Conference 2010 Final to be done/ Seminar in Varna PPs STAKEHOLDERS DATABASE Launch done Final to be done WP 2 Output Indicators WP INDICATORS - OUTPUTS TARGET VALUE TARGET VALUE/PP PERIOD OF DELIVERY WP2 No of articles/appearances published in the press and in other media (including online media, TV, radio) 18 LP:4; 2/PP 6 WP 2 No of press conferences 2 PP6:1/launch LP:1/ final Average of hits per month on the operation’s website 200 LP: 200 No of publications produced 1200 (F: 400 B:800) PP6: 400F; LP: 400B; 100B/PP No of national events implemented (B2B – B2G meetings) 16 2/PP IN PROGRESS TO BE DONE
WP 2 Results WP 2 Result Indicators RESULTS REACHED RESULTS REACHED 8 (all) Common management structure/system established 1 Period 1 Staff members with increased capacity for the participation to transnational networks & management of the project 16 Period 6 RESULTS REACHED WP 2 Result Indicators WP INDICATORS - RESULTS TARGET VALUE TARGET VALUE/PP PERIO D OF DELIVE RY WP2 No of permanent information sources/channels in operation 1 LP: 1 6 No of administrative actors reached directly through dissemination outputs in the cooperation area 20 3/PP No of private sector actors reached directly through dissemination outputs in the cooperation area 500 63/PP No of SMEs reached directly through dissemination outputs in the cooperation area 1000 125/PP RESULTS REACHED IN PROGRESS
SEPA Project State of the Art: WP 3 Progress 2009 2010 2011 2012 WP3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3.1 3.2 Future Tasks: build up the stakeholders network; implement and coordinate management plans; verify the setting up of the management body of your SEPA Achievements Stakeholders involved at regional levels through meetings (32)
WP 3 Outputs WP 3 Output Indicators OUTPUT REACHED IN PERIOD 3.2?? 8 (all) Regional events implemented for building network 32 Period 5 PP1 Bic of Attika + all Management Plan Developed (for management of the Network’s activities) 1 Involvement of Stakeholders with responsibilities for industrial areas at local level: (6 x 8) = 48 48 Involvement of Observers with programming and /or implementation of SF 2007 – 2013: (2x 8) = 16 16 OUTPUT REACHED IN PERIOD 3.2?? TO BE DONE OUTPUT REACHED ?? / TO BE COMBINED WITH WP4 OUTPUT REACHED ?? / TO BE COMBINED WITH WP4 WP 3 Output Indicators WP INDICATORS - OUTPUTS TARGET VALUE TARGET VALUE/PP PERIOD OF DELIVERY WP 6, WP 3 No of regional events implemented (1 territorial conference+ 4 meetings with the stakeholders) 40 1+4/PP 6 WP 3 No of management plans 8 1/PP 5 WP 3, WP 6 No of databases created or improved 9 PP5: 2 (WP3, WP6) 1/PP (WP3) WP3 Regional and transnational network PP1: 2; 1/PP IN PROGRESS TO BE DONE
WP 3 Results WP 3 Result Indicators TO BE DONE TO BE DONE 8 Period 4 1 8 (all) Regions proactively promoted 8 Period 4 Common network rules adopted 1 Period 5 Common requirements defined to establish the SEPA organisation in each area Transnational regional local networks 9 Period 6 TO BE DONE WP 3 Result Indicators WP INDICATORS - RESULTS TARGET VALUE TARGET VALUE/PP PERIOD OF DELIVERY WP3 No of common methodologies adopted (coomon network rules, common requirements) 2 PP1: 1 5 WP3, WP4 No of common standards established No of regions proactively promoted 8 1/PP 4 Common standards to establish the representative organization of the areas 1 TO BE DONE
SEPA Project State of the Art: WP 4 Progress 2009 2010 2011 2012 WP4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 4.1 4.2 Future Tasks: organize training sessions; involve the observers; prepare SEPA sustainability plans and their benchmark Achievements Guidelines for SEPA implementation and identification of minimum SEPA requirements
WP 4 Outputs WP 4 Output Indicators IN PROGRESS TO BE DONE TO BE DONE SIB +all Guidelines for implementation and management of the SEPAs 1 Period 5 PDCA methodology for SEPAs management Training (on Line) for the transfer of the Guidelines 16 Participants in exchange of experience IN PROGRESS TO BE DONE TO BE DONE TO BE DONE WP 4 Output Indicators WP INDICATORS - OUTPUTS TARGET VALUE TARGET VALUE/PP PERIOD OF DELIVERY WP 4 No of guidelines produced 1 PP2:1 5 No of training events, seminars organised 16 2/PP WP 4, No of participants in training events/ seminars 952 119/PP WP6 No of individuals that participate in exchange schemes 24 3/PP WP4 Guidelines for implementation and management of the SEPA PP2: 1 TO BE DONE
WP 4 Results WP 4 Result Indicators TO BE DONE TO BE DONE Period 5 8 SIB +all Sustainability Plans 8 Period 5 Staff members with increased capacity 40 Regional policy/instruments improved Training session (on Line) for the transfer of the Guidelines + PDCA 24 N° of trainees, participant in exchange of experience E-learning Platform System ad hoc (composed of 8 modules) 1 TO BE DONE WP 4 Result Indicators WP INDICATORS - RESULTS TARGET VALUE TARGET VALUE/PP PERIOD OF DELIVERY WP4 No of strategies adopted at governmental level (result of regional/policy instruments improved) 1 PP2: 1 6 No of regional/local policies and instruments improved or developed 8 1/PP 5 WP3, WP4 No of common standards established 2 PP1: 1 No of staff members with increased capacity 40 5/PP Common Standards established through Guidelines for SEPA TO BE DONE
SEPA Project State of the Art: WP 5 Progress 2009 2010 2011 2012 WP5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 5.1 5.2 5.3 Future Tasks: complete the pre-feasibility studies – 2 for each PP region; complete the TORs for each region; execution of feasibility studies. NEW TASK: Benchmark of the feasibility study Achievements: SEPAs candidates identified Pre-feasibility studies under way TOR for feasibility studies under way Execution of SEPA feasibility studies
WP 5 Outputs WP 5 Output Indicators IN PROGRESS TO BE DONE 8 (all) Selection and analysis of potential areas for SEPA 8 Period 4 Feasibility studies according to EU guide national legislation SEPA guidelines including Environmental Impact Assessment Period 6 Identified areas for FS 16 Pre feasibility Studies Period 5 8 ToR for Feasibility Studies 8 Tender according EU procedures PP3 1 Transnational benchmark of the feasibility studies 1 IN PROGRESS TO BE DONE OUTPUT REACHED IN PROGRESS TO BE DONE WP 5 Output Indicators WP INDICATORS - OUTPUTS TARGET VALUE TARGET VALUE/PP PERIOD OF DELIVERY WP 5 No of studies realized (feasibility studies) 8 1/PP 6 TO BE DONE
WP 5 Results WP 5 Result Indicators TO BE DONE TO BE DONE Period 6 8 1 8 (all) Conclusions of Feasibility Studies for each SEPA area 8 Period 6 Conclusions of Feasibility Studies for each SEPA area benchmarked 1 TO BE DONE WP 5 Result Indicators WP INDICATORS - RESULTS TARGET VALUE TARGET VALUE/PP PERIOD OF DELIVERY WP5 No of impact studies on environmental issues carried out (conclusions of feasibility studies) 8 1/PP 6 TO BE DONE
SEPA Project State of the Art: WP 6 Progress 2009 2010 2011 2012 WP6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 6.1 6.2 Activities: Identify and outline SEPA marketing tools Organise SEPA promotion/scouting of investors activities Tasks: promote SEPAs at local and trans-national levels through specific events, identify and stimulate potential investors. Outputs: bid book for investors, database of potential investors, national seminars, international conference.
WP 6 Outputs WP 6 Output Indicators TO BE DONE PARTLY DONE IN PROGRESS 8 (all) Bid book 8 Period 6 DB of investors interest into SEPAs per area Local/national seminar for attractions of investors 7 (no ICT) International Conference for attractions of investors 1 TO BE DONE WP 6 Output Indicators WP INDICATORS - OUTPUTS TARGET VALUE TARGET VALUE/PP PERIOD OF DELIVERY WP 6, WP 3 No of regional events implemented (1 territorial conference+ 4 meetings with the stakeholders) 40 1+4/PP 6 WP 3, WP 6 No of databases created or improved 9 PP5: 2 (WP3, WP6) 1/PP (WP3) WP 4, No of participants in training events/ seminars 952 119/PP 5 WP6 Bid Book for SEPA 8 1/PP PARTLY DONE IN PROGRESS TO BE DONE
WP 6 Results WP 6 Result Indicators TO BE DONE TO BE DONE Period 6 64 8 (all) Identification of investors interested in SEPA areas 64 Period 6 TO BE DONE WP 6 Result Indicators WP INDICATORS - RESULTS TARGET VALUE TARGET VALUE/PP PERIOD OF DELIVERY WP6 Identification of investors to invest at intermediate and final level 64 8/PP 6 TO BE DONE