The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges A Study of the Book of Judges Lesson 11 Judges 9:22-57 Payday Someday October 25, 2009 1
Introduction Precision bombing and our text Keys to crooked politics Connections to influential people Special interest groups Money Unprincipled men who will perform dirty deeds for money People who will look the other way when wrongs are committed to advance their self-interest Politicians who love power and prestige and who are willing to compromise to get it A brief review
The Story of Abimelech’s Demise (9:22-57). Shechem’s treachery (9:22-25) Abimelech governs 3 years (vs. 22) An evil spirit – allies at odds (vs. 23) God’s purpose (vs. 24) Shechem’s treachery (vs. 25a) Abimelech hears (vs. 25b) The gall (Gaal) to oppose Abimelech (9:26-29) This newcomer to Shechem brings his relatives along (vs. 26a) The Shechemites trust in Gaal (vs. 26b) Boasting at Baal’s bar: Gaal’s use of Abimelech’s argument (vss. 27-29). Zebul’s report and recommendation (9:30-33)
Abimelech attacks Shechem (9:34-45). Phase 1 (vss. 34-41) Four companies Come down from the hills Zebul relishes his role Partial victory for Abimelech Back to Arumah Zebul drives out Gaal and his brothers. Phase 2 (vss. 42-45) Abimelech returns & storms the gates. He captures and destroys Shechem
Tower 1: Fire comes from Abimelech (9:46-49) Tower 2: Trouble at Thebez, a splitting headache for Abimelech (vss. 50-55). Abimelech attacks Thebez People flee to the tower Abimelech tries for an encore A splitting headache Israelites go home The Glory goes to God (vss. 56-57) Judgment on Abimelech (vs. 56) Judgment on Shechem (vs. 57a) Jotham’s curse is fulfilled (vs. 57b)
What Does This Mean . . . . . . for the Israelites of old? . . . for men today? Copyright © 2009 by Robert L. Deffinbaugh. This is the edited PowerPoint presentation of Lesson 11 in the series, The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges, prepared by Robert L. Deffinbaugh for October 25, 2009. Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit.