BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR “Bulgarian National Association of Shipbuilding and Shiprepair” (BULNAS) was established at 28 April 2009 as a voluntary non - profit association in private support created in aims to support, encouragement, representation and protection of the interests of it’s members. At the present moment the members of BULNAS are 29, including all shipbuilding and ship repair yards in the country, companies involved in shipbuilding and shipreparing related activities, designers, classification and scientific organizations, universities. The total number of the directly employed workers and employees of the BULNAS members are 5 300 people, and indirect employment to which members of BULNAS provide job – another 5 000 people. On 28th of May 2009 “Bulgarian National Association of Shipbuilding and Shiprepair” become a member of CESA - “Community of European Shipyards’ Associations”, currently representing 99% of the EU shipbuilding production and more than 80% of the production of geographical Europe. Considering the LeaderSHIP 2015 initiative and 11 September 2009 Bremerhaven High level meeting, and its conclusions, BULNAS has supported two regional initiatives : 1. Creation of National fund for financing of the shipbuilding, for access to financing for feasible project. The initiative is a joint action between BULNAS and BSA (Bulgarian Ship - owners Association). 2. Cooperation between Bulgaria and Russia for participation in Russian Shipbuilding program, supported by Mr. Putin for construciton of 1 400 ships until 2020.
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR Short presentation of our members: Bulyard – Shipbuilding Industry EOD is the largest shipbuilding enterprise in Bulgaria. The main activity of the shipyard is shipbuilding and ship - repair of different types of ships. Company product portfolio comprises: - tankers and product carriers; - bulk carriers (6 000 - 42 600 DWT); - container carriers; - multipurpose/general cargo vessels (5 000 - 17 000 DWT). Bourgas Shipyards JSC is a large shipbuilding company located on the southern Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, in the town of Bourgas. The enterprise build and repair all type of vessels up to 25 000 t DWT. The company operate a synchrolift launching system with the following vessel maximum limits: Lmax = 185 m Bmax = 26 m Draught = 5.5 m Docking weight = 6 500 mt
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR MTG DOLPHIN PLC is the first completely private ship repair and shipbuilding company in Bulgaria, established in January 1991. The shipyard is active both in the fields of: - shiprepair for vessels up to 60 000 DWT; - specialized new vessels up to 16 000 DWT. Since 2007 the company created a designers unit and the qualified and experienced staff specialized software Tribon. ODESSOS Shiprepair Yard S.A. spread over an area of about 320 000 sguare meters, Odessos is the largest well equipped yard in Bulgaria suitable for repair and drydocking of vessels up to 35 000 DWT and afloat repairs of vessels up to 150 000 DWT. By the end of 2009 the yard foresee to be put into operation the new floating dock, which will make possible for docking of ships of type "Panamax“ up to 65 000 tonnes DWT.
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR Rousse Shipyard JSC was found before more then 120 years. During that time in the yard the first steel ship in Bulgaria was built. Since then there were constructed non - propelled, crew and crewless, diesel - oil and dry cargo deadweight up to 1 500 t., pullers and pushers with power of 3 150 h.p est. Company product portfolio comprises: - tankers (5 870 DWT); - bulk carriers (5 000 DWT); - container carriers; - general cargo vessels; - barges, tug-push vessel est. TEREM - KRZ Flotski Arsenal - Varna LTD was founded before more then 100 years. The long history of the company, extensive experience of naval shipbuilding and repair as well the commercial shiprepairs allow the company to repair both naval and commercial repairs of vessels up to 20 000 t DWT and construct new vessels up to 2000 t DWT. Avemar Ltd carries out shipbuilding and ship - repair activities as a subcontractor to respectable shipbuilding yards. The company has floating dock for ship repairs. Bulmar Consult Ltd is established in 1993 as a private ship repair and ship supply company. The
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR company has offices in Varna and in Bourgas. Bulmar team of specialists provides 24 hours ship repair service. In accordance with this the company is able to help any time on any place during the ship’s visit in Bulgaria as well as abroad. Bulmar Consult Ltd was granted with official rights of sole agent of “JOTUN ” - NORWAY for Bulgaria. The Company has official rights for an agent of “MARINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX” – Sevastopol, Ukraine. The company is sole representative of numerous well known producers of marine equipment and consumables as “CHOCKFAST” - ITW Philadelphia Resins foundation systems, vibration damping, permanent alignment, chocking of marine and industrial machinery. Varna Maritime Ltd is founded in 1991 and during its first years it performed mainly mechanical repairs of vessels on - site and at open sea near Varna and Burgas. Since 1996 the company is engaged with dock and class repairs of vessels up to 40 000 DWT and takes a substantial part of the ship repair market in Bulgaria. In the situation of heavy competition the company has repaired more than 160 vessels owned by Bulgarian and foreign shipping companies. Since 2005 the company is a member of Metalock International Association. Varna Pro JSC complete design of the ship’s electrical part according to the rules of various Classification Societies such as Germanischer Lloyd, Lloyd's Register, Buerau Veritas, DNV, Bulgarian Register of Shipping, Russian Register of Shipping as well as coordination with those societies.
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR The company complete manufacture of any ship electrical equipment – main and emergency switchboards, navigation desks and panels for control and signaling, starters, etc. DZZD Balans Electronics is a company whose complete manufacture of any ship electrical equipment, verification and adjustment of automation est. KMM JSC is are company specialized in the production of marine and industrial machine - building. The production range includes steam and water boilers, heat exchangers, tanks, pressure vessels, filters, metal constructions and others. The manufacturing process is based either on customer’s and others. KMM JSC is approved by Lloyd’s Register, German Lloyd and BKR for welding and production of marine equipment and pressure vessels class 1 and additionally most of the products pass approval by Bureau Veritas, DNV, NK depending on the request of the customers. On the territory of the company is situated laboratory for X - ray and ultrasonic control of welds. Ship Machine - Building JSCo was established in 1962 by merging of workshops for marine equipment. Within a short period of time the company managed to assert itself as a leading producer of ship equipment in Bulgaria and also earned the trust of foreign clients.
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR The three main activities in the company are: - manufacture of various ship equipment: hatch covers of various types; stern and side ramps, deck machinery, doors and windows, masts, etc.; - shipbuilding: vessels up to 3 000 DWT vessels; - building of floating facilities on ferroconcrete hulls. ULA Ltd carries out shipbuilding and ship - repair activities as a subcontractor to respectable shipbuilding yards. It has about 250 workers of the basic professions (hull workers, welders, pipers, mechanics, electricians, painters) organized in teams according to the needs of the yard. The teams perform the jobs assigned themselves under the guidance of skillful foremen and engineers that are a part of the team. MAIAK-K Ltd is a company specialized in shiprepair, conversion and marine services. MAIAK-K provides a broad range of high quality engineering and production solutions on competitive prices. The company owns a warehouse and fabrication facilities with cranes, fully equipped workshops for mechanical engineering, steel preparation and welding equipment. MAIAK-K has a
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR joint venture with Rousse Shipyard JSC registered under the name of Rousse Shipyard Repair Ltd. UNIEL Ltd complete manufacture of any ship electrical equipment – main and emergency switchboards, starters, navigation desks and panels for control and signaling, etc. Supply of full el. equipment sets for newbuild ships. UTA - DIK Ltd has been established in 1990 by two share - holders – managers, with main activities – ship repairs, ropes, rigging, hoisting tackle and machinery. The company activities have been authorized by different Classification organizations as per which the company is authorized to perform: repair of cargo jibs, cranes and separate details; repair of lifeboat gears, life-saving appliances, deck and anchor gears and ship electrical equipment; repair and testing of the following items: cargo derrick booms, cranes and their components; lifeboats and their launching appliances; mooring machinery est. Association of "Small graft design" is a voluntary non - profit association in private support created in aims to
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR support, encouragement, representation and protection of the interests of it’s members – companies who’s construct, build and repair small graft ships, boats, youths est. Bulgarian Register of Shipping Ltd is guided in its activities by the goals and moral values, laid down in its Code of Ethics and is dedicated to ensuring the safety of life and property at sea, and the prevention of pollution of the marine environment. Basic Principles of the Bulgarian Register in BRS Activities: adequate qualification and practical experience of Surveyors in the field of operation of ships and offshore facilities; objective and unbiased supervision of the technical condition of vessels classed with the BRS; high technical requirements towards the supervised vessels and offshore facilities as regards their seaworthiness, safety of navigation and friendly operation in the marine environment in compliance with the requirements of the BRS Rules and the International Conventions; satisfying customer requirements via establishing a balance between compliance with requirements for ships and Owners’ needs and expectations. Wartsila IHB Ship Design Bulgaria Ltd is a designers company established on 4th of August 2007. Wartsila IHB Ship Design Bulgaria offering following scope of services: - detail design of all kind of ships – Hull, Piping, Machinery, HVAC, Electrical, Steel Outfit, Nesting and Cutting files for steel plate parts, Ship surface fairing and etc.; - class design – Main Hull and Class foundation drawings, Piping, Machinery and HVAC class design and etc.; - supervision. The main advantage of Wartsila IHB Ship Design Bulgaria is high motivated, ambitious and
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR skillful team with good experience got in Bulgarian and foreign companies in design of conventional, offshore and floating vessels. The main activity of the company is in preparing of Detail design and supervision. Wartsila IHB Ship Design Bulgaria offer high quality documentation prepared as per yard requirements using different CAD/CAM software – AutoCAD, Tribon and Nupas different FEA softwares and other. Germanischer Lloyd Bulgaria Ltd dedicated to ensuring the safety of life and property at sea, and the prevention of pollution of the marine environment. They safety and quality philosophy is based on qualified and well trained personnel capable of working in different cultural environments. As an independent third party company, GL is a dynamic, innovative, forward-thinking, expansion-minded organisation. GL Bulgaria focus on developing state of the art rules, procedures and guidance in order to offer relevant answers in times of economic challenges and tight regulatory regimes. As an inspection, certification and technical consultancy company GL offers sophisticated technical services addressing all safety and risk issues of installations related to energy production, storage and transportation. Germanischer Lloyd offers a "one stop shopping" approach for its worldwide customer base including comprehensive technical services across the asset life cycle. Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Centre – the mission of BSHC is to perform fundamental and applied researches, to train students and PhD graduates in the field of ship hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, ocean and coastal engineering, environmental protection, water transport, defense and others in favor of the society. BSHC hold following: - departments: ship hydrodynamics; ship dynamics and ocean engineering; aerodynamics; marine
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR information technologies and computer simulations; coastal hydraulics and environment protection; - division: experimental technique and technologies; sector "CAD“; sector "Experimental production“; sector "Measuring and computational technique“; - laboratories: laboratory "Tanks“; deep water towing tank; shallow water towing tank; maneuvering and seakeeping basin; cavitation laboratory; aerodynamic laboratory; coastal hydraulics basins laboratory. Keppel FELS Baltech Ltd was established in the city of Varna in July 1994 and has more than fifteen years of experience in marine and offshore design. Keppel FELS Baltech is the first European subsidiary of Keppel FELS - Singapore - the world’s leading designer, builder and repairer of offshore rigs, particularly jack - ups and semisubmersibles. The company is member of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd, one of the largest offshore and marine groups in the world.
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR Keppel FELS Baltech main activities include: - Basic design and detailed engineering of offshore drilling rigs and offshore production units, merchant ships, heavy lift floating cranes, tugs and specialized vessels; - 3D Models in CAD/CAM/CAE systems; - Development of comprehensive production information; - Engineering and analysis related to deepwater drilling technology; - Technical consultancy. Ship Engineering, Design and Researching Ltd is active in marine design, technologies, development of technical project and workshop documentation. Lawrazia Ltd is a designers organization that: - development preliminary project investigations, studiesand analyses; - development of concept, technical, detailed and production designs of different ships and floating equipment. MAN Diesel Bulgaria is a branch of MAN Diesel - the world’s leading provider of large - bore diesel engines for marine and power plant applications.
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR Marine Design Ltd is a leading company at Black Sea region of design and consulting services for marine and offshore industry. Also is a representative of SENER Ingenieria y Sistemas S.A. about FORAN CAD/CAM/CAE System for Bulgaria. Marine Design offering following scope of services: - Basic Design: scantling, power calculations, piping & HVAC calculations; class drawings & general arangements; noise and vibration analysis; - Detail Design: modeling of: Hull structure, Outfitting&HVAC; Structural outfitting; - Production information & workshop drawings: assembly drawings, BOM; - Other Services: mechanical design; interior design; visualizations. Technical University of Varna was established in 1962 by the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria and the Decree of the National Assembly in order to ensure the training of engineering staff in the field of shipbuilding, transportation, mechanical engineering, electrical energetics and communication technics necessary for developing industrial complexes in northeastern Bulgaria in the field of chemistry, shipbuilding and ship repairing, engine building, transportation, electric energetics, electronics and communications. At present structure of Technical University-Varna includes 6 faculty, 2 college: faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technologies; faculty of Shipbuilding; faculty of Electrical
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR Engineering; faculty of Electronics; faculty of Computing and Automation; faculty of Marine Sciences and Ecology; college at the Technical University of Varna; dobrudja College of Technology (and Agriculture). Scientific and Technical Unions – Varna is a non - governmental, non - political organization. It is a member organization of the Federation of the Scientific and Technical Unions in Bulgaria (FSTU) which unites 19 scientific and technical unions (STU) and 34 local societies in the major cities of the country. The main goals of the organization are to unite and support the efforts of its members to: professional progress; protection of the intellectual, professional and social rights of the specialists and promotion of their prestige in the society; involvement of experts in science and technology in projects supporting the regional development, as well as formulation and implementation of the scientific and technological policy of the region and the country; restructuring and protection of the Bulgarian production; thematic coordinator for maritime national and EU projects.
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR The renovation and the application of new production technologies, specialized software and the European standards helped ours members to impose their positions on the local, as well as the international market. We can consider that the Bulgarian shipbuilding and ship repair industry has resources and capacity to work in many directions and can be briefly formed the next product portfolio: - shipbuilding and ship repairing yards, members of BULNAS, have the capacity to design, construct and repair of ships up to 100 000 DWT; - members of Association have proven experience not only in design, construction and repairing of tankers, bulk carriers, product carriers; container carriers, multipurpose/general cargo vessels, but also of patrol ships, tugs, fishing vessels, river vessels, ships sailing mixed, self and non-self-propelled barges, passenger ships, yachts, floating facilities on ferroconcrete hulls etc. ; - manufacturers of ship equipment and companies involved in shipbuilding and shipreparing related activities, members of BULNAS, have proven experience in the field of marine and industrial machine - building; complete design, manufacture, supply and installation of full el. equipment: main and emergency switchboards, navigation desks and panels for control and signaling, starters, radio navigation and automation; production of electric motors, machinery; design, manufacture, supply and service of hatch covers (folding, pontoon, sliding, etc.); design, manufacture and service of ship equipment, deck machinery etc.; - the scientific organizations members of Association have proven experience in the implementation of fundamental and applied researches; numerical modeling and analysis in the field of ship hydrodynamics and aerodynamics; - the designers organizations members of BULNAS have proven experience in marine and offshore
BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR design, and in development of: preliminary project investigations, studies and analyses; technical, detailed and production designs; adapting and develop further existing designs for building of ships under specific conditions of the shipyards, as simultaneously the project documentation is developed by the specialized software programs: FORAN V50; Auto Cad; Tribon; Nupa etc; - following the goals and moral values, laid down in their Code of Ethics, classification societies – members of Association are dedicated theirs activities to ensuring the safety of life and property at sea, and the prevention of pollution of the marine environment. Unfortunately, said here can not fully to reveal and present the possibilities to yards, manufacturers, societies and organizations members of BULNAS (detailed information you can find on the website of each member), can not be done and a short briefly summary, but no body can hide or deny the fact that a large part of thus represented factories and organizations have over 35 - 40 years experience and established traditions in shipbuilding and ship repairing industry. Independently the long and difficult period of the transition, privatization transactions and bankruptcy the Bulgarian shipbuilding and ship repair industry is not only managed to "survive" and has preserve but also developed and asserted itself as a stable branch, placing Bulgaria among the industrially developed countries. BULGARIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPREPAIR e-mail: