British Slave Ship Owners African War Lords Captured other Africans and sold them as slaves to Europeans. As demand for slaves went up, so did their profits. British Slave Ship Owners Made a profit of up to 50% on some voyages. Large sums of money were made by ship owners who never left England. British Slave Traders Bought and sold the slaves. Plantation Owners Used slaves to grow their crops. They paid no wages, and provided only basic food and simple huts for the slaves to live in. Factory Owners Half of all the textiles (cloth) produced in Manchester was exported to Africa and the West Indies. Bankers They lent money to slave traders. Ordinary People The slave trade provided many jobs in Britain. Half of all Liverpool’s sailors were involved in the slave trade. There were also jobs in factories making things to sell in Africa or the plantations. Slave labour made goods such as sugar cheaper for people living in Britain. Capitalists They benefited from the profits of slavery being invested in factories and mines. It helped finance the Industrial Revolution.