Animals at War
Animals at War Pigeons Horses Dogs In World War 1, specific animals were used for help. These animals were called military animals. I will be mentioning about few animals in this slide show. They are: PIGEONS HORSES Dogs Pigeons Horses Dogs
HORSES Horses were heavily used in World War One. Horses were used so much on the Western Front that over 8 million died on all sides fighting in the war and two and a half million horses were treated in veterinary hospitals.
They were primarily to be used as a form of transportation. A number of men needed a significant number of horses.
The horse and mule played an important role on the Western Front, because without them the ability of the British Army to wage war would have been impossible.
Throughout the War, armies relied heavily on its horses and mules Throughout the War, armies relied heavily on its horses and mules. They were used to pull light artillery limbers, wagons and ambulances, to carry supplies and weapons, and to perform other important jobs, either singularly or in teams.
Bigger horses were teamed together to pull the larger artillery pieces. But, as time went by, they were replaced – the larger guns of the war had become bigger and heavier that they used tractors and motor vehicles to pull them.
Pigeons Pigeons have played an important role in wars for a long time. They were often used as military messengers(as they proved to be an extremely reliable way of sending messages ) and thanks to their homing ability, speed and altitude.
In the World Wars, flying pilots carried pigeons in case they had to ditch their plane, they would release the bird for help. Many pilots owe their lives to a pigeon.
German camera pigeon Camera attached to the pigeon so it can spy on the enemies.
Pigeons would have been found just about anywhere on the Western Front Pigeons were used extensively in World War One. Man-made communication systems were still crude and unreliable, so pigeons were used.
This ability to get home was vital for those who used them as messengers. A pigeon's great strength was not only its extraordinary homing instinct but also the speed at which it flew. Shooting one down would have been all but impossible. In many senses, a pigeon would always get through. The only natural way to attack them was bring in different birds to the front line like falcons.
Dogs Dogs were trained to spot trip wires, as well as mines and other traps. They were also employed for guard duty, and to spot snipers or hidden enemy forces. Some dogs were also used as messengers.
Sergeant Stubby Sergeant Stubby was the most decorated war dog of World War I and the only dog to be promoted to sergeant through combat.
THE END Done by Afra Ansar
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