“Most Advanced Yet Acceptable” -Raymond Loewy
The danger from computers is not that they will eventually get as smart as men, but that we will meanwhile agree to meet them halfway. Bernard Avishai
Two trends that everyone knows, and one nobody talks about… “medium and literacy” Two trends that everyone knows, and one nobody talks about…
$$$ ¢ Amount of Structured Information Cost of Power & Complexity i taming complexityTM At the turn of the last century powerful/complex systems were expensive and hence Rare [Printing Press, Telephone System] Amount of Structured Information $$$ i Institutions that help close this gap and match information to the way people think will drive significant user adoption. More Cost of Power & Complexity Information is Rare [Human evolution takes place on a much longer scale] ¢ Powerful Systems are cheap and ubiquitous 1900… 1970 1980 1990
Putting users first… Participatory Human-Centered Design MAYA | Human-Centered Design Putting users first… Participatory Human-Centered Design Human-Centered Design Design OBSERVING CONCEPTING FORMING EVALUATING • Interviewing • Field Studies • Contextual Inquiry . • Sketching • Ideation • Concept Mapping . • Representation • Renderings • Models + Prototypes . • Questionnaires • Usability Testing • Heuristics .
Study users in their natural habitat…
Simulate & Iterate rapidly… taming complexityTM Simulate & Iterate rapidly…
Effort to launch: 48 hours Avg visitors/day: ~100,000 User contributed reports: >300,000 Users from over 192 countries Days ahead of CDC reports: 7-10+
SoloHealth | EyeSite Kiosk
Vision problems have an estimated impact of $51 Vision problems have an estimated impact of $51.4 billion on the US economy according to a Prevent Blindness America study.
The one on the left took over 10 minutes to use, and nobody ever completed the tasks…
Mapping the important tasks to the difficulty and cost to fix them gave us a guide…
Put real users at the center of the design process.
Update: 190,000 people have used the system so far… Kiosks were deployed early into a collection of Walmarts and Sam’s Clubs and immediately began driving impressive results… Over 90% of the users noted that it was easy to use and that they would recommend it to a friend. Update: 190,000 people have used the system so far…
17% increase in sales of eyecare related products in stores that used the kiosks.
Command Post of the Future DARPA Research Program started in 1998, targeted at “Last 18 Inches” of Command. Initial technology target was for 2010-2012.
Innovation Processes | Double Helix Model Command Post [circa 1999] The warfighters are actually using the paper map and ignoring the computer system.
MAYA | Visage Adopt radical tech from labs called “Information-centric, polymorphic collaboration”
300% improvement in use of comms time for command tasks* Commanders’ Tasks 300% improvement in use of comms time for command tasks* Visual access to data reduces verbal comms Situation, status, and plans available asynchronously Self-synchronization & pre-emptive interruption Minutes Collaboration No Collaboration Collaboration Intel Provided to FSC 300% improvement in situation awareness* CO S2 FSC A Co B Co C Co Without Collaboration With # Reports Collaboration No Collaboration Collaboration Fires Missions Executed 400% more missions planned, executed, and analyzed* # Missions Collaboration No Collaboration Collaboration * Data gathered during 4-day DARPA CPOF Command Exercise Oct 22-25, 2002. The experiment conducted was a within-subject experiment measuring the type and length of communications during three periods, each period lasting 60 minutes. Collaborative interactions and access to other participants workspace was enabled in the first and third periods. In the second period, interactive collaboration was turned off. Reduction in time to train from 2 weeks to less than 1 day
“Any medium powerful enough to extend man’s reach is powerful enough to topple his world. To get the medium’s magic to work for one’s aims rather than against them is to attain literacy.” Alan Kay