Assistant Principals Conference 2017 IASP Assistant Principals Conference 2017
Changing Instructional Practices: being the leader of change IASP 2017 Changing Instructional Practices: being the leader of change Richmond Community Schools Michael Shunneson, Director of Secondary Education Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
District Overview Enrollment 4,998 1 High School IASP 2017 District Overview Enrollment 4,998 1 High School 2 Intermediate Schools 6 Elementary Schools 2 Program Buildings 76.7% Free and reduced lunch 1:1 grades 5-12 Expanded access K-4 Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Being the Leader of Change IASP 2017 Being the Leader of Change Learner Outcomes Develop a plan to increase the effective use of your Learning Management System by administrators, teachers and students. Put yourself out there and leverage your LMS Model what can be done with an LMS Engagement through professional development Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Leveraging Your LMS IASP 2017 Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17 Create a course for Administrative Team Started as a place to hold information, but developed into much more as the semester went on. Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Try Something for 30 Days-Matt Cutts Leveraging Your LMS IASP 2017 30 Day Project Try Something for 30 Days-Matt Cutts Create a course for Administrative Team Started as a place to hold information, but developed into much more as the semester went on. Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
30 Day Challenge IASP 2017 30 Day Challenge Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17 Motivational Ted Talk IASP 2017 IASP Padlet Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Leveraging Your LMS IASP 2017 Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17 1 of the first activities in Canvas as Part of the 30 Day Challenge was to come up with a possible course that Administrators could create. Purpose of the course, who would be the students, how could they use the course to help support the why? Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Leveraging Your LMS IASP 2017 Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17 Course Created for RHS Faculty & Staff Discussions, Assignments, Embedded Videos Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Innovators and Early Adopters IASP 2017 Innovators and Early Adopters How Great Leaders Inspire Action-Simon Sinek Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Innovators and Early Adopters IASP 2017 Innovators and Early Adopters Tipping Point 15-18% Early Majority and Late Majority need the Innovators and Early Adopters 15-18% (About 13 Teachers at the High School) Law of Diffusion of Innovation Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Model-Model-Model Tools in Your LMS IASP 2017 Model-Model-Model Tools in Your LMS Announcements Ted Talks for PD in Canvas Discussion about grades and Averaging Embedded Videos from YouTube-Ted Talk for PD (Discussion) Mike Embedded a Video of Myself Mike Assignments & Quizzes Rae Discussions Rae & Mike Module-#DitchSummit; Matt Miller Mike Embedded 3rd Party Apps (Padlet) Rae & Mike Announcements & Communication -teachers and students (Never Consider this as a possible use of Canvas) Newsletters; surveys; student info; voting; PD info Special Courses TOR Modules Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Philosophy of Principal Meetings IASP 2017 PD Diversity Meet the Needs of Administrators Reflect on the Year Meet the Needs of Administrators Changed the Philosophy of Principal Meetings Provide Information in a Variety of Canvas Courses to explore prior to the Professional Development Great for reflection of the semester and the year. Philosophy of Principal Meetings Courses to Explore PD Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Personal Goal for using the LMS PD Diversity IASP 2017 Meet the Needs of Teachers PD Choice Personal Goal for using the LMS ISTEP Scenarios Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Data IASP 2017 Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
IASP 2017 DATA 5K 10K Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
DATA Richmond High School 2016-2017 IASP 2017 20K 100K Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Discussion Protocol Trudacot IASP 2017 Discussion Protocol Trudacot -Scott McLeod @mcleod -Julie Graber @jgraber Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Being the Leader of change IASP 2017 Being the Leader of change "It's no big deal for us for us to try and use Canvas because we see our Administrators right there using it too. And believe me they've made some mistakes using it." -Richmond High School Teacher Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
Presenter Michael Shunneson IASP 2017 Director Secondary Education Richmond Community Schools Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17
@RCSelearn . #RCSeLearn Twitter Chat Tuesdays at 8:00 IASP 2017 @werrichmond Click to add text @LearnatRHS #RCSNextGen Twitter: @RiskTaker4Kids #iaspAP17