Functionalizing the Learning Network Solomon Zewdie Tigray Regional State REDD+ Program SNNP Regional State REDD+ Program Functionalizing the Learning Network Solomon Zewdie Amhara Regional State REDD+ Program Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change National REDD+ Secretariat December 02/2016, Adulala Resort Hotel, Bishoftu
Objectives of the Learning Network Create a platform for knowledge exchange, experience sharing , identification and evaluation of best practices & analysis of research gaps Develop best practice guidelines and manuals and provide recommendation for up-scaling Play an advocacy role to influence national policy formulation on REDD+ related issues and support REDD+ implementation capabilities Serving as a national knowledge hub on REDD+ and related issues
Potential Engagements of the Network Develop a forum of Information sharing Identify & Profile REDD+ Stakeholders Inception WS to establish operational patterns (ToR); Information sharing forum Analysis of WS outputs; Develop a model of operation Formulate Interaction Mechanism
Potential Engagements of the Network Enabling integrated learning & capacity building Enable integrated learning Organize trainings to Network members, policy makers & other relevant groups Analyze progress reports of member organizations & identify lessons Engage graduate students to present their work & participate in joint learning Provide inputs from the lessons to REDD+ bulletins, websites, newsletters Organize information/lesson sharing meetings Organize awareness creation WSs to policy makers; tailored WS to community members Capacity Building Organize learning field visits & facilitate field dialogue
Potential Engagements of the Network Develop best practice manuals/guidelines Develop and disseminate best practice guidelines/manuals Joint analysis of best practices Drafting, refining and adopting best practice screening criteria
Potential Engagements of the Network Joint Analysis of Key REDD+ Challenges Identification of REDD+ Challenges and Research gaps In-depth analysis of identified REDD+ challenges (Governance/technical) Assigning issues to Working Groups for in-depth analysis of challenges Recommending approaches/solutions to challenges
Potential Engagements of the Network Stimulate sharing of lessons/experiences from Ethiopia’s REDD+ process Identify existing relationship between Ethiopian institutions & international institutions engaged in REDD+ Facilitate dialogue between the Learning Network and other similar Networks in East Africa & Beyond Identify and adopt the existing systems information sharing and exchanging
Potential Engagements of the Network Advocacy Provide a bridge between sub-national level practitioners & national level decision makers Facilitate meetings between Learning Network & National Climate change steering committees/appropriate national bodies Facilitate dialogue between policy makers and civil society (Invite policy makers to information sharing forum ) Facilitate & engage policy makers in the use of web-based learning platform (One Day Information Session)
Potential Engagements of the Network Knowledge Management & Communications Improve capture & sharing of evidence & learning Strengthen collaboration & knowledge exchange among Network members Harness capacity on knowledge Management within the Network & with other partners Develop data base on REDD+ & mechanisms on accessing data base Produce Newsletters, proceedings; policy briefs… Engage the media for increased public awareness
Potential Engagements of the Network We can think of more… ? We can start with less…