Data and Accountability ADULT EDUCATION Data and Accountability Panel Discussion
Purpose Purpose: The panel will discuss the use of AEBG/WIOA aligned student data & outcome metrics – and how the data will be used to show the impact on regional need. This is using outcome data regardless of funding source. Panel members will provide their perspective on how we continue to leverage & braid our programs to serve those in need – and the future of data and accountability on the various programs that serve the same client base.
Panel Panel Discussion: Carolyn Zachry – California Department of Education Damien Ladd– Department of Social Services Javier Romero– Chancellor’s Office Pat Rickard – CASAS MaryAnn Pranke – Glendale Consortium Paul Down – ALLIES Randy Tillery – West Ed
Questions 1. Describe briefly your program & how you collect student data and what metrics are being used (CalWORKS, AEBG, WIOA II, WIOA I, Perkins, Noncredit Apportionment, CBOs grants, etc.).
Questions 2. Are there any changes you are seeing that will impact your metrics in the future (state legislation, federal changes, local changes, etc.)?
Questions 3. Given the six AEBG state wide metrics, what other metrics are we missing to measure the impact on regional need? (Measurable Skill Gains, High School Diploma/HSE, Employment, Wage Gain, Transition, Post Secondary)
Questions 4. How can the data help evaluate the effectiveness of the consortia? And the effectiveness of members?
Questions 5. What would be the best ways of communicating the data to the local stakeholders like trustees, community partners, employers?
Questions for the Panel