New perspectives for the EGTC Partnerships, co-operations for a sustainable joint cross-border development after 2014 István Pálfi Day 2013 Brussels, 8 October 2013 Alfonso Alcolea Committee of the Regions of the EU
The CoR and the future regional policy The European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation General perspectives 2
The CoR and the future regional policy 3
The CoR and the future regional policy Cohesion Package proposed by the Commission in 2011 Common provisions 5 funds + Territorial Cohesion + Common Strategic Framework + EGTC CoR positioning 1st wave of opinions (2012) CSF opinion (2012) Resolution about the cohesion package (2013) The Council and the Parliament EP REGI voted a mandate of negotiation in July 2012 General Affairs Council adpted a ’general agreement’ on the different blocks (CAG) Trilogues: Agreements between January and June 2013 4 4
The CoR and the future regional policy Issues under debate Final budget of cohesion policy Objectives: Investing in growth and jobs + territorial cooperation Intermediate regions Capping and increase of co-funding rate Common strategic framework for the ERDF, ESF, EARDF, EFF Regional approach in the ESF Macroeconomic conditionality 5 5
The CoR and the future regional policy Implementation phase The Member States are already programming Partnership agreements Operational programmes How to involve local and regional authorities? CERM-CCRE study Questionnaire of the CoR Cor-AEBR workshop on 19 November To which extent local and regional authorities participate? ITI, CLLD, Operational programme, multi fund Which impact of the final agreements? 6 6
EGTC - European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation 7
EGTC – European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation What is an EGTC? EGTC – European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation At the beginning, an idea of the Committee of the Regions Created by Regulation (EC) 1082/2006 Public entities from different Member States can get together under an entity with European legal personality. The EGTC has its own organisation, budget and staff. It may implement programmes and projects of territorial cooperation, with or without EU funding. Entered into force on 1 August 2007, the Member States adopt national provisions. 8 8
The EGTC trends and developments 9
EGTC trends and developments Figures 39 EGTC set up, according to the Register of the CoR +3 pending registration More than 650 LRA involved A reality in 19 Member States Impact on the life of 30 Mo Europeans 10 10
EGTC trends and developments National implementation varies Only one EGTC implements programmes: ‘Greater Region’ The use of structural funds is not the main object of activity Although ‘laboratory for multi-level governance’, most of the EGTC group entities of the same level Main focus on cross-border cooperation Main areas: Axis Benelux-FR-DE, around HU and Mediterranean Precedent cooperation started in the 90s. Need of awareness among LRA, public and EC services 11 11
Examples of EGTC Grande Région First EGTC to become management authority of a programme Involves FR, DE, LU, NL, BE 12 12
Examples of EGTC Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Conurbation between Belgium and France, 3 regions, 2 languages, 1.7 Mo inhabitants Touristic site: 13 13
Galicia-Norte de Portugal Examples of EGTC Galicia-Norte de Portugal Big euroregion with more than 20 years of co-operation History Projects: Working plan fostering competitivness and promoting employment. Transport: Guide, study on interoperativity Cooperation between technology centres and campuses Many sectors: Sea, automotive, creative and cultural industries, tourism 14 14
Examples of EGTC Cerdanya cross-border hospital Service to 60,000 inhabitants in the Pyrenees 15 15
a choice has made The CoR The EGTC as “preferential instrument for cooperation” Own-initiative opinion Núñez Feijóo - 2011 16
Leadership of the CoR CoR Opinions of Bresso (2008), Núñez Feijóo (2011), Delebarre (2012), and two consultations (2010 and 2012) Remove bureaucratic obstacles Harmonize national implementation Use the EGTC beyond regional policy Strategy Europe 2020, mainstream all EU policies Awareness needed at all levels Participation of non-EU countries 17 17
Influence on the new legislation Ambitious proposal of the EC (Oct 2011) Inter-institutional conference 29/03/2012 Fast-track the EGTC The EP-REGI assumed the amendments proposed by the CoR on 11/07/2012 Debate about the EGTC in the future cohesion policy OPEN DAYS 2012 Political agreement of the Council on 20/02/2013 Inter-institutional trilogue March-May 2013, CoR invited 18 18
New aspects of the Regulation Approved tacitly after 6 months. Main document to be approved will be the convention. Clarification on the legal situation of the staff of the EGTC CoR wanted to create groupings in the fields of health, education and vocational training (even if entities are private) 3rd countries will be able to get involved in EGTCs, including neighbors of outermost regions and territories The CoR will maintain its role of register of the EGTCs 19 19
Perspectives 20
Short and medium term issues How will the Member States implement the new Regulation? How will the new generation of EGTCs look like? Governance of the EGTCs Participation of the civil society Participation in the Operational Programmes EGTCs implementing new instruments ITI, CLLD, JAP... EGTCs and macro-regions Mainstreaming the EGTC in other EU policies Events with DG Move and DG Enterprise Next event with DG Markt on 9 October Visibility EGTC award 21 21
The EGTC Platform The Platform groups all players in EGTC and cross-border Coordinator: Mr Herwig Van Staa (AT/EPP) Monitoring Study ‘EGTC Monitoring Report’ Assistance and support, political input Face-to-face communication: Open Days 9/10/2013 09B07 and networking event Save the date! 19 November 2013 AEBR meeting Portal, social networks 22 22
… Latest news The CoR launches an EGTC award The CoR launches an EGTC award Adopted by the Bureau of 7 October 2013 Bi-annual edition Focus on implemented actions related to growth and jobs
Thank you! Köszönöm! Committee of the Regions Direction of horizontal policies and networks – Unit E.2 Alfonso Alcolea Martínez Administrator EGTC & territorial cooperation @EGTCPlatform EGTC Pálfi István (1966-2006) In memoriam 24 24