Rebeca Portillo Mrs. Fentress Liquid vs. iron Rebeca Portillo Mrs. Fentress
Table of contents Title Table of contents Questions Hypothesis Material Procedures Bar graph Chart Conclusion
Questions What types of liquids rust nails first, peroxide, salt water, spring water, tap water.
Hypothesis I predict that the peroxide will make the iron nail rust faster.
Materials 20 iron nails 20 cups 1 large bottle of peroxide 1 gallon of spring water 1 gallon of salt water 1 gallon of tap water 1 measuring cup
procedures 1.Get 4 cups and label 1 of them peroxide next cup label it salt water then label the 3rd cup spring water finally label the last cup tap water 2. Pour the corresponding liquid in each cup put 1 nail in each cup 3. Monitor the nails everyday and record your data 4. Repeat steps 1-4 for trails 1-5
Average amount of time of rusting
Which one will rust? Types of liquid Trial #1 Trial #2 Trial #3 average Peroxide 96 hrs Salt water 24 hrs Tap water 1 hr Spring water 2 hrs
Conclusion My hypothesis was wrong ,peroxide was the last one to make the nail rust. The first to rust was tap water the second to rust was spring water then the third one to rust was salt water and finally last to rust was peroxide I think peroxide was last to make the nail rust because of the chemicals used to make the substance, instead of rusting the nail it would keep it from rusting. The tap water made the nail rust faster because it doesn't have as many chemicals inside of it. My project is useful to the real world because if you have different types of medal peroxide will prevent them from rusting.
Questions What specific chemicals are in peroxide ?