16th, 17th & 18th Century Directions in Thought The Scientific Revolution
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Create a Multi-Flow Map of the Scientific Revolution
What is this event called the Scientific Revolution? A new way of thinking about the universe and the world based on… Observing Questioning Drawing New Conclusions Mid – 1500s [or before?] >>> Late 1700s
What caused the Scientific Revolution to occur? Renaissance influence… Curiosity Classical Manuscripts re-discovered Muslim Scholars preserve & translate Reformation influence… Challenge Church Exploration & Discovery create new questions & needs
What were the Scientific Revolution’s Effects? New Theories of the Universe Geo-centrism >> Helio-centrism (Copernicus + Galileo) New Techniques: 5-Stage Scientific Method Observe > Q > Hypothesis > Experiment > Conclude New Leaders Kepler-Newton-Bacon-Harvey-Vesalius-Paracelsus Descartes = I Think… New Ideas Empiricism / Rationality / Gravity /Mechanism / Analytical Geometry New Inventions Telescope / Microscope / Thermometer / Prism New Fields of Science Astronomy / Physics / Anatomy / Chemistry / Medicine
What were the Scientific Revolution’s Effects? New Leaders = Philosophers & Scientists Newton Laws of Motion / Gravity / Inertia Bacon Father of Empiricism… Source of knowledge = senses + experience Knowledge should yield results New knowledge = ↑ power William Harvey = Physiology Descartes = I Think .∙. I Am Doubt Everything > Think it through Deductive Reasoning … from general > specific … from basic premise > conclusion
What were the Scientific Revolution’s Effects? New Application of Reason to Society Hobbes vs. Locke… human nature? University study / Academic Societies New Roles for Women of Rank Assist / Write but… “Glass Ceiling” New Science v. Religion Church challenges new ideas… Galileo Atheism / Deism / Mechanism Pascal = reason alone insufficient, faith required Bacon = “physico-theology” New Ideas v. Old Superstition Witch Hunts New Style of Art / Music / Architecture = Baroque>