Development of American Political Parties
What Is a Political Party? A political party is a group of citizens who agree on major issues facing the nation. These groups work to create public policies that reflect their views. Purpose is to control government
Parties in the US The United States has a two-party system. The Republicans emerged as a major party in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln. The Democratic Party formed under Andrew Jackson twenty years earlier.
American Politics Today Democrats usually feel that the federal government has a responsibility to help the people through government intervention. Democrats are generally seen as liberal. Republicans hold the view that leaving the economy alone will allow for growth, giving people greater ability to help themselves. They believe in less regulation. Republicans are viewed as being conservative.
Parties Move Towards The Center Both parties want votes. As a result, parties become more moderate in their platforms, moving away from extreme positions. The American people generally agree about many issues. This unity forces the two parties toward the center of the political spectrum.
Major Presidential Candidates - 2008 Primary election: an election in which people select party members to run in the general election (through all 50 states) Major Presidential Candidates - 2008 Democrats Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Bill Richardson John Edwards Christopher Dodd Joe Biden Dennis Kucinich Republicans Ron Paul Fred Thompson Mitt Romney Rudolph Giuliani John McCain Mike Huckabee Tom Tancredo
Primary Elections Primary election: There are two types: 1. Closed: only members of a political party can vote 2. Open: all voters may participate
National Conventions Occur every 4 yrs. Ticket: candidates for President and Vice President Purpose is to bring the party back together
National Convention Platform: a statement of the party’s principles, beliefs, and positions on vital issues Plank: individual parts of the platform
Third Parties Any party other than the two major parties can be called a “Third party.” (aka Minor party) Their most important role is to influence policy on one or more issues They can also cause the votes to split
2016 3rd Party Candidates on Ballot Constitution Party Green Party Libertarian Party What are the odds that one of these candidates will win the election? How much political coverage and funding do these candidates receive????
General Election: Electoral College 538 votes in the electoral college Total electoral votes for each state is based on the number of representatives and senators in Congress Washington D.C. gets 3 votes (23rd Amendment) Must win 270 to become President Winner-take-all system 12th Amendment: created separate ballots