Ch. 6 Section 1 The Scientific Revolution
The Roots of Modern Science Before 1500 Scholars decided what was true or false by referring to an ancient Greek or Roman author or even the Bible. Few scholars would openly challenge ancient thinkers or the church The medieval view is that the earth is an immovable object at the center of the universe All planets revolved around the earth
This earth centered view is the geocentric theory This earth centered view is the geocentric theory. This idea came from Aristotle. Christianity taught that God deliberately placed the earth at the center of the universe. But beginning in the mid 1500’s some scholars published works that challenged the thinking of the church and ancient thinkers. This new wave of thinking is going to lead to the “Scientific Revolution”
This was a new way of thinking about the natural world This was a new way of thinking about the natural world. It was based upon careful observation and willingness to question accepted beliefs. Many things added the this new found revolution. One of the larger ones were the discovery of new lands, animals, and people. Changed thinking to a more than this style thinking.
Another thing that greatly added to the scientific revolution was the invention and implementation of the printing press. Age of European exploration which leads to mathematics and astronomy.
A Revolutionary Model of the Universe Astronomy opened the door to new thinking and ideals. Copernicus started to question the geocentric model and think more of the sun as the center of our universe. This will come to be called the heliocentric theory/model But keep in mind this theory did not completely define or explain the revolutions or rotations of the plants
This thinking will be widely rejected by the church and other scholars of the time. Copernicus will not publish his finding until the end of his life and receives his work titled, “On the revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies”, on his deathbed. At first after his death his book will cause little to no stir but then in 150 years scholars will pick it up and truly begin to use his theories as a way to seriously challenge the law and order of the universe
In the future men like Galileo Galilei will build upon these principles and beliefs. He will take it further and build a telescope all on his own to study the planets He will announce that Jupiter has four moons and that our sun has dark spots. Also noticed the earths moon has a rough uneven surface. This is going to infuriate who and why?
It will anger the church because it will show they are wrong and this would bring into question all the other acts the church may have committed He was warned by the church to keep quiet and not preach the teachings of Copernicus His response will be releasing “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems” For this he is going to be brought to court and be forced to under threat of torture to read a confession denouncing all his ideals Will be put under house arrest until he dies
The Scientific Method The revolution in scientific thinking that Copernicus Kepler and Galileo began will lead to a new approach called the scientific method. What is the scientific method?
Bacon Sir. Francis Bacon was an English statesman and writer that had a passion for science. He believed that by better understanding the world you could then generate practical knowledge that would improve people lives. Attacked people who used reasoning and asking questions as a basis for discovery. He encouraged scientists for draw factual, experimental conclusions. This is known as the experimental model or empiricism model.
In France a man named Descartes took a keen interest in science He developed analytical geometry This will link algebra with geometry Relied on mathematical logic and hard data Believed everything should be doubted until proved by reason. The only thing he knew was he existed therefore he came up with the line, “I think therefore I am”
The Scientific Revolution Spreads New instruments will begin to be used like new types of eye glasses, microscopes, and atmospheric pressure measurers, mercury barometers, seeing red blood cells etc. Medicine and the human body will change drastically. Before modern medicine what happened?
Will start dissecting human corpse to discover the internal make up of the human body. This will lead to vaccines to fight smallpox Chemistry is going to have a door opened and scientists will start to see and understand why some things react the way they do.