Mr. Buttell CBHS AMH Honors


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Buttell CBHS AMH Honors A Dividing Nation: Causes of The Civil War 1820-1860 Mr. Buttell CBHS AMH Honors

Missouri Compromise, 1820 Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. Declared that all territory north of 36°30" would become free states, and all territory south of that latitude would become slave states.

Henry Clay Clay helped heal the North/South rift by aiding passage of the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850, which served to delay the Civil War.

Free Soil Party WHY? Free Soil! Free Speech! Free Labor! Free Men! “Barnburners” – discontented northern Democrats. Anti-slave members of the Liberty and Whig Parties. Opposition to the extension of slavery in the new territories! WHY?

Mexican-American War & Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848 Mexico gave up claims to Texas above the Rio Grande River. Mexico gave the U. S., California and New Mexico. U. S. gave Mexico $15,000,000 and agreed to pay the claims of American citizens against Mexico (over $3,500,000).

The Mexican Cession

GOLD! At Sutter’s Mill, 1848 John A. Sutter

California Gold Rush, 1849 49er’s

Compromise of 1850 Admitted California as a free state Organized Utah and N.M. without restrictions on slavery Adjusted the Texas/N.M. border Abolished slave trade in D.C. Established tougher fugitive slave laws. Its passage was hailed as a solution to the threat of national division.

Compromise of 1850

1852 Election Results

Underground Railroad Harriet Tubman main conductor Freed over 300 slaves through 19 different trips including her own parents Many went to Canada but most stayed in the North becoming abolitionists

Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 – 1896) So this is the lady who started the Civil War. -- Abraham Lincoln

Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852 Sold 300,000 copies in the first year. 2 million in a decade!

Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854

Border “Ruffians” (pro-slavery Missourians) “Bleeding Kansas” Border “Ruffians” (pro-slavery Missourians)

John Brown: Madman, Hero or Martyr? Mural in the Kansas Capitol building by John Steuart Curry (20c)

John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry, 1859

Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857

“The Crime Against Kansas” Sen. Charles Sumner (R-MA) Congr. Preston Brooks (D-SC)

1860 Presidential Election √ Abraham Lincoln Republican John Bell Constitutional Union 1860 Presidential Election Stephen A. Douglas Northern Democrat John C. Breckinridge Southern Democrat

Republican Party Platform in 1860 Non-extension of slavery [for the Free-Soilers. Protective tariff [for the No. Industrialists]. No decline of rights for immigrants [a disappointment for the “Know-Nothings”]. Government aid to build a Pacific RR [for the Northwest]. Internal improvements [for the West] at federal expense. Free homesteads for the public domain [for farmers].

1860 Election Results

Secession!: SC Dec. 20, 1860