“Getting inside of your head”
Behaviorism Only examines data that is public and observable Introspection is unimportant Personality = What you actually do Traits, UCS, CS experiences, do not matter Only B data matter
Behaviorism What determines personality? The observed environment Not hidden process inside the mind
Behaviorism 1) A persons behavior 2) A persons environment All that matters is 1) A persons behavior 2) A persons environment
Philosophical Roots Empiricism Tabula Rasa Everything you know comes from experience Tabula Rasa Note how this is different than other approaches
Philosophical Roots Associationism Two things become associated into one if they are repeatedly experienced close together
Philosophical Roots Noise Book
Philosophical Roots Thunder Lightning
Philosophical Roots
Philosophical Roots Both empiricism and associatoinism are all that is needed to explain all knowledge Even complex ideas can be seen as combinations of simple ideas Reductionism David Hume John Locke Thomas Hobbes
Philosophical Roots One last element is missing What makes you go? Why do people behave at all?
Philosophical Roots Hedonism People learn in order to 1) Seek pleasure 2) Avoid pain
Philosophical Roots 1) Empiricism 2) Associationism 3) Hedonism
Behaviorism “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select--doctor, lawyer, merchant-chief, and yes, even beggarman and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, or abilities”
Learning A stable change in behavior as a function of one’s experience with the environment What learning is not the acquisition of knowledge Environment Behavior Learning
Types of Learning 1) Habituation 2) Classical Conditioning 3) Operant Conditioning
Habituation Why do you jump less each time? You learned! Simplest type of learning
Habituation The initial response can be maintained if the stimulus is changed or increased with each exposure