Ohio Deans Compact: Incentivizing & Leveraging Resources CEEDAR Convening June 27-29, 2017
Compact Goals Improved capacity of Ohio teacher, administrator, and related services personnel preparation programs to better prepare professional educators to more effectively teach and support every child. Increased level of collaborative inquiry among Ohio’s institutions of higher education (IHE) that fosters improvement in the preparation and ongoing professional development of educators skilled in meeting the instructional needs of all children.
Need for Change Marginalization and exclusion are far more common in American schools than inclusive practice, even though inclusive practices improve schooling for all children. Programmatic silos within higher education, and within PK12 settings, limit opportunities for educators to work together to more effectively meet the instructional needs of all learners. A dearth of P20 partnerships limits opportunities to harness the combined expertise of educators that is needed to support preparation and personnel development across the career continuum
Promoting Inclusive Practice by: Reducing the effect of programmatic silos Developing models of inclusive preparation Broadening the notion of inclusiveness beyond a GE-SE conversation Leveraging resources by aligning the work with other state initiatives that seek to improve inclusive practice (e.g., OLAC, OLi4)
Ohio Leadership Advisory Council Identifies essential leadership practices for DLTs, BLTs, and TBTs as a fundamental component of Ohio’s improvement framework (OIP) Provides on-line learning resources that can be used/adapted by districts, IHEs, and others 80% grads are employed by districts that use OIP-OLAC process (rationale for requiring IG applicants to embed OLAC in project work) Challenges & Alignment with Compact Work
Ohio Leadership for Inclusion, Implementation, and Instructional Improvement (OLi4) A statewide principal PD initiative developed and delivered by the SDI Center/UC with support from ODE Builds principal and district capacity to use OIP as framework for continuous inquiry, learning, and improvement Strengthens Statewide System (OIP, OLAC) with a web-based tool – OLi4 comprehensive PD with web-based component Challenges & Alignment with Compact Work
LISD Collaborative
LISD Collaborative Multi-institution collaborative Post-bac licensure only (online) program leading to licensure in visual impairment Allows candidates to remain close to home Designed to address severe shortages Designed to serve as a model for expanding to other LISD areas Challenges & Alignment to Compact Work
Partnership Activity Strategic Alliances Advocacy Networking AACTE NCEO Advocacy Institute CEEDAR Advocacy Networking Teachers College Inclusive Classroom Project (TCICP) EdChange LEA Connections: VVUSD and BCSC
INCENTIVE GRANT PROGRAM Teacher Ed Redesign via development of Dual Licensure Programs Simultaneous/symbiotic Renewal Efforts Development of course content to build capacity in LISD Ed Leadership Redesign/Re-structuring efforts
Incentive Grant Program Development, adoption/adaptation of inclusive models for restructuring existing general & special education teacher preparation programs as develop dual licensure models Course redesign or overhaul of existing education leadership preparation programs
Incentive Grant Program (continued) Development of coursework leading to an endorsement in sensory impairment Development or improvement of P20 partnerships through simultaneous renewal
Conditions Supporting Program Restructuring/Redesign Shared vision for integrated/unified program Support from department and college administrators Involvement of supportive faculty members Systematic review of curricular content, grounded in relevant standards Creation of governance structures that break down disciplinary silos Involvement of a critical friend or external evaluator Provision of resources to support faculty members’ time for curriculum work and team teaching