Parliament Limits the English Monarchy
James I (King James Stuart of Scotland) Elizabeth I left him a TON of debt Struggles w/Parliament over $$$ Conflict w/Puritans who wanted reforms
Charles I Fights Parliament Son of James I 1628 – called Parliament in order to get $ - had to sign Petition of Right Petition of Right Not imprison subjects w/out cause Not levy taxes w/out Par.’s consent Not house soldiers in private homes Not impose martial law in peacetime
Charles I Fights Parliament Charles ignored the petition He dissolved Parliament Imposed fees & fines on English people to get $
Conflict Between Kingdoms England is Anglican , Charles tried to force his kingdom (included Scotland) to accept Anglican Church Scots rebelled Charles forced to call Parliament into session for help! This caused….. English Civil War
English Civil War Royalists or Cavaliers The Puritans who opposed Charles were known as… Roundheads Oliver Cromwell – Puritan general who helped defeat the king
Oliver Cromwell’s England Charles on trial – found guilty of treason – sentenced to death Oliver Cromwell’s Government Established a commonwealth = republican form of gov’t Drafted first written constitution Later he ripped up constitution and became military dictator)
The Puritans Abolished sinful activities (theater, sports, dancing) Religious toleration for all Christians EXCEPT Catholics
Charles II The British were tired of military rule, so Charles II came in and brought back the king! This is called the Restoration He established habeas corpus (Latin = “to have the body”) PRISONER’S RIGHTS! Right to obtain writ ordering that he be brought before judge to specify charges Monarch can’t just throw anyone in jail Prisoners could not be held indefinitely w/out trial Seems great, but he eventually dies and James II comes along
"I have always said the first Whig was the Devil" (Samuel Johnson). James II Whigs? Those who opposed James II (non-Catholic) Tories? Those who supported James II (Catholic) His daughter Mary was Protestant – married to William of Orange (prince in Netherlands) "I have always said the first Whig was the Devil" (Samuel Johnson). "Wit and fool are consequents of Whig and Tory; and every man is a knave or an ass to the contrary side" (Dryden).
Glorious Revolution of 1688 Parliament asked Mary & Will to overthrow James II – James fled England Bloodless overthrow NEW RULERS: William of Orange & Mary
Activity William and Mary of Orange are the new leaders What rights should the people have in England? In your groups, chat and come up with 5 rights that should be guaranteed to all 3 limits on the King
A New Type of Monarchy Constitutional monarchy. Laws limit the ruler’s power Bill of Rights of 1689 state a ruler could NO suspending of Parliament’s laws NO levying of taxes w/out grant from Parliament NO interfering w/freedom of speech in Parliament NO penalty for citizen who petitions the king
Group of gov’t ministers, or officials Cabinet? Group of gov’t ministers, or officials Acted in ruler’s name but represented the major party of Parliament Leader of Parliament? Prime Minister Exit Ticket: What mistakes to leaders make that cause them to be overthrown? Sir Robert Walpole