Department of Government and Politics, UCC
Department of Government and Politics College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS). Teaching and research in: Political theory/democracy. Irish politics. Comparative politics. Public policy. The European Union. International relations. Two ways to study government and politics at UCC: BSc Government. Politics subject in BA.
BSc Government (CK210) 4yr politics degree. Work placement in 3rd year: E.g., government departments and agencies, think tanks/NGOs, overseas options. Also includes: Business and law modules. Language options. CAO points 2017: 377/360.
Politics subject in BA (CK101) 3yr BA (Hons) degree. Politics subject available as: Single (50 credit). Major (40 credit). Joint (30 credit). Alongside other subjects; e.g., History, Philosophy, Economics, English, etc. CAO points 2017: 346/340.
Careers Politics: elected office; assistants/advisers to TDs and MEPs. Government ministries and bodies (national, local, international). Think tanks, NGOs and charities. Journalism/media. Business. Further study: specialist and conversion masters programmes.
Contact details Department of Government and Politics: Outreach: Website: Email: Tel.: 021-490-2770/2009 2nd Floor, O’Rahilly Building, UCC main campus. Outreach: 4th/5th/6th year students welcome to visit the Department (e.g., autumn mid-term break). School visits.