Faults http://www.williamsclass.com/SixthScienceWork/FoldFault/FoldFaultGeologyNotes.htm
Faults When rocks are deformed (broken) brittly, they are displaced along fractures called FAULTS.
Breaks in rock are put into two categories Fractures/joint: When there is no movement along either side of the rock break. Fault: When either side of the rock break moves in opposite directions.
FAULT TERMINILOGY 1) "Hanging Wall"- The surface of block that is on top of the plane of the fault. 2) "Footwall"- The surface or block that lies below the plane of the fault.
3) "Strike"- The direction in which the fault runs. 4) "Dip"- The dip direction is perpendicular to the strike direction.
Types of faults 1. Dip-Slip Faults: Movement along dip-slip faults is vertical; one side moves up and the other side moves down. The two types of Dip-Slip Faults are Normal Faults Reverse Faults
A. Normal Fault Normal Fault: The hanging wall has slipped down in comparison to the foot wall. Gravity causes the hanging wall to slip down. Normal Faults are from layers being pulled apart. Also known as a GRAVITY FAULT.
B Reverse Fault Reverse Fault: The hanging wall has slipped up in comparison to the foot wall. When layers are pushed together this is the kind of fault that occurs. Also known as a THRUST FAULT.
Strike Slip Fault 2. Strike Slip Fault: Two layers of rock are shifted horizontally or parallel to the fault plane. Example – The San Andreas Fault
San Andreas Fault in California
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