Would a system where everyone gets to vote on everything be better, or a system where one autocrat makes a decision for us all? Explain
Majoritarian and Pluralist Democracy Chapter 2
Types of Government Autocracy- one Oligarchy – few Democracy - people
Majoritarian Rule? Universal Participation? Should everyone vote? Should each vote count equally? Should it be majority rule or a plurality of minor groups?
Representative Democracy Combination of Direct Democracy and Republic Some things are voted by all, some only by representatives
Majoritarian vs. Minority Can some people always be in the minority group? Should government care about the rights of minorities?
Pluralist Model Government by the people through competitive interest groups Does this bring about an elite group of those who control key decisions?
Global Trend toward Democracy Democratization – a move toward democratic government Reflection: Which system is best, Majoritarian or Pluralist and why? Explain